| Maricá | Petroupoli | Chalandri |
Date |
Gnomon (cm) |
Shadow (cm) |
Angle (°) |
Maricá BRAZIL |
18 april 2015 |
84 |
-52 |
-31.8 |
Chalandri GREECE |
27 april 2015 |
44 |
17.5 |
21.7 |
Petroupoli GREECE |
27 april 2015 |
100 |
44.1 |
23.8 |
The distance between Petroupoli and Chalandri is too short (1km) to have an accurate calculation (circumference=171km !!!!)
The measures of those 2 schools on april 27 (Petroupoli and Chalandri) are partnered with the measure in Maricá on april 18.
Even if those measures are separated by 9 days, the results are better.
This proves once again that both hemisphers, north and south needs each others