While working on the project we intergrate knowledge of different subjects while cooperating on the project. We deepen our knowledge and develop our skills within subjects such as: Chemistry, Physics, Maths, Georgraphy, Biology, History, mother tongues (Polish/Spanish/German) and of course English . Here are some examples:
We prepared and recorded an international lesson - the International Court Case. The Polish and Spanish students incarnated the roles of a tribunal and a prosecutor. They accused the German students impersonating the company owners – defendants - for renaturating of the river Emscher.
To counteract against the always growing menace by natural disasters by high water in Holland and Germany, houses on stalk stand were build. We visited these houses during our school trip in September 2015. People are forced learn to live with the water although it is dangerous. These houses must lower and rise according to the water level. The future of houses on the coasts. We are still building houses and models to make technical experiences for the future building industry.
Take a look at the steps of building the house:
when you click on the photo you will see all the gallery

Very hot and dry summers make it necessary to water a garden from all over the world. The indicators for the climate change were the temperature and rainy days that have a very big influence on flora and vegitable. We wanted to start an European business for water automatism products. We compared the products of potential competitions. We must be cheaper and our products must be controlable by internet. In math we were looking for datas to find out how robust and reliable water automation product will be sold in all partner countries. With our boxplots we saw the variety of requirements (temperatures) our technical product must have . The pictures show the first attempts, a so called proof of concept, to control a pump by a small and cheap computer via internet. The results of this concept were used in a real well and garden pump. Attention! Pupils are not allowed to handle the voltage of real garden pumps.
Water automation for our house from eTwinning on Vimeo.
Comparing the Climate
Between Poland and Germany there is no much difference in there the database. So we only compare the climate from Germany and Tenerife. One indication for the climate is the temperature another one is the rainfall. We try to develop a watering automation. With our datas we find out on whitch level we have to construct our water automation.
1. Temperature
Our boxplot (Boxplot temperature) Shows That 50 Percent of the Spanish temperatures are on a higher level than the maximum of the German temperature. 50 percent of the German temperature datas are lower than the Spanish temperatures. Conclusion: our watering machine must be developed for Higher Temperatures and has to work longer and more intensive than in Germany. So It Must Be very robust to Work For Both of us.
2. Rainfall
Even the rainfall is very low in Tenerife. Our boxplot (Boxplot precipitation) reinforces our conclusion did we made Hanes temperature did we need a watering machine That is able to water the garden for longer period than in Germany.

The group is logging data from a sensor and send the results to a smartphone.
With this experiment we are able to send datas to our partners in Europe directly.
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Gardena irrigation computer Master Crontrol Solar
is connected in the tap and steers the irrigation of the garden. An integrated Solarpanel stores the energy in a Lithium-lonen-Accu, with cloudiness it is charged of the Accu, nevertheless, for a reliable one pursued. The programming of the irrigation becomes on the display explained with the knobs everything is served. Six other programmes can run. Programmes can run in a segment of one minute to 95 hours and 59 minutes. One is able with a water distributor six different devices Manuel can be steered. To save water one can connect a Ground-humid or rain sensor. One can serve the irrigation with the ground humid sensor purely sensor-steered.

German students visited the Netherlands in October 2015. The Netherlands isn´t far away from Oberhausen and we live in the so called backyard of their coast. In Amsterdam we saw housboats tightened in the harbour. Tenerife as an island is also affected of the global warming and the rising water. In the future more and more people will live in the flooded water areas on a shore.
We had the idea to build a house able to stand on a shore. It has to have the ability to go up and down with the tide and the rising water of global warming. But climate change also means that we need two or more kind of houses for the different areas in the world. Therfore you can see our results of different climates in our partner countries. We came to the conclusion that the Spanish partners should develop their kind of houses for the southern parts of the world and we will build another one for the northern areas. But constructing houses is only one thing, we want to sell our houses and concepts like an european company. Merchandising is one important part to be successful in business. Poland was responsible to merchandise our houses.
In a first step we collected the requirements of those houses. They must be waterproof and they have to have windtight. As a matter of course they should be nonpolluting. We built two houses as a proof of concept and began to measure and collect data to find out whether these buildings are able to fulfill our requirements or not. Our testing equipment are two Raspberry Pi´s and two DHT22 temperature-humidity sensors.
With the help of the internet (http://www.test-wetterstation.de/temperaturmessung-mit-dem-raspberry-pi) we changed the program for our demands.
With a hairdrier we simulated the wind and could measure the humidity on a rainy day. These steps you can find in our twinspace.
Amphibious House
It shows our water house and how we could measure the temperature and the humidity automatically and send the results to an owner far away from the house.
Unusual combined lesson of BIOLOGY,TECHNOLOGY and ICT
The Spanish students have visited the ship which has the robot Rov Liropus 2,000 and shared the knowledge and photos they gained during the visit with the partners.
A collaboative presentation was prepared by the international team no 4.
The submarine Rov is capable of operating up to 2000 meters deep in the water. Its cameras and forcepts are used to catch samples of algae, fish and seafood.
Watch our presentation to get to know more facts
We were staying in an Environmental Nature's Classroom in La Arena Ravine , a Forest Crown Natural Park, where our students researched some endemic birds like Blue Chaffinch , vats inside Vergara Aquifers I & II, we saw forest masses of pines, fayas, brezos, escobones, aceviños, etc. When The Teide Volcano ice melts, groundwater infiltrates through the volcano in aquifers like Vergara I & II ones, which are located at the top of La Guancha Village. Miners used to drill water galleries and extract stones, which were brought to the surface in wagons years ago. They used lamps to light up inside the cave. The flame of the lamp was gas due to the reaction of calcium carbine with water, which produces acetylene and calcium hydroxide. The lamps illuminated the caves while they were working. When the flame went out, that meant there wasn't any air left inside the cave so they had to run out towards the surface to avoid passing out or being asphyxiated by volcanic gases. Nowadays, two men keep aquifers and channels in good conditions by cleaning the roots of plants that obstruct the passage of water. They use a machine to remove the air from water ( volcanic gas bubbles ). Water is conducted through channels, passerways, pipes to the North and South of Tenerife.
We could see water running off through the channels from Vergara Aquifers after it has been infiltrated through basaltic walls of the cave.
22nd March is the WORLD WATER DAY.
We celebrated it in our schools by organizing exhibitions, assemblies and discussions on the theme of water.
We enjoyed Biology and English lessons about loggerhead sea turtles by diving and snorkellig with them in Armeñime Bay, Adeje Coast .Tenerife.
We are making original 3D videos by using Alice animations about marine life, sea animals and water animals, their beahaviour, how they feed and hunt, studying our endemic species like seals, sharks, killer wahels or orcas, dolphins, moray eels, parrot fish, groupers, ,sea urchins,coral, marine flora like Cymodocea nodosa or little Neptune grass, etc
Some of our harbors are not deep enough to land big ships on a pier. We need a another type of ships which are able to land on shallow water. We built a hovercraft for these harbors. Our ships are able to swim on water and fly over the beach.
Hovercraft from eTwinning on Vimeo.
Water in religion
During Religous Education classes we deepen our knowledge about water in religion. In most religious traditions, water is basic to physical and spiritual life, symbolizing purification, rebirth, and fertility. Water deities are usually a focus of worship at specific springs or holy wells, but there are also more abstract ocean deities, and deities representing "water" as an abstract element, such as Aban in Zoroastrianism.