Are you good at Maths? Do you want to check your Mathematical skills? We prepared some tasks for you. Good luck!
Math task1.doc by etwinning
Math task2.doc by etwinning
Math task3.doc by etwinning
Math task3 p.doc by etwinning
You can check solution to Task 3 here:
Math task3 solution.doc by etwinning
Math task4.doc by etwinning
Mineral water is water from a mineral spring that contains various minerals, such as salts and sulfur compounds. Mineral water may be sparkling, due to contained gases.
Traditionally mineral waters were used or consumed at their spring sources, often referred to as “taking the waters” or “taking the cure" iIn areas such as spas, baths or wells in developed cities. Today it is far more common for mineral water to be bottled at the source for distributed consumption.
Mineral water is a kind of like a vitamin supplement that you can drink. Are there health benefits from drinking mineral water? Are there any risks?

Mineral water by wiktoria0907 on GoAnimate
Visits to the companies producing mineral water
We visited companies producing mineral water in our countries to see and compare technological processes used to produce mineral water. We carried out discussions on this theme. Take a look at our reports:
In Germany
German students visit the bottling company by etwinning
In Poland
In Spain
Drinking water purification is a series of steps to eliminate microoganisms and waste water in oder to obtain purity and quality. "Fonteide" draws water directly from a spring and is responsible to analize water and bottle it. The water is so pure that it is recommended for our health and babies' food.