Topic relative activities


    The participants attended the lectures and workshops on the basics of App Inventor 2 (AI2) designed to provide the necessary know-how in order to use the digital tools for the creation of products as well as the workshops on filming and tape-editing by means of mobile applications. The ICT lessons were given by the Greek students and teachers, with the exception of the multimedia workshops, which was presented by the host organisation. The produced material was uploaded on the Website and TwinSpace.


    More specifically:

    The School Android Club

    The Greek students presented their School Android Club and clarified the structures of Android apps and App Inventor codes. They presented the App Inventor 2 IDE as well as palettes and panels of the AI2 interface. What’s more, they explained how to set up smartphones in order to work in the IDE environment. Students had to load an example app into their smartphones and test it.


    “Hello purr” app

    The participants developed their first application. The Greek students explained the steps needed to take in order to develop the app in the AI2 environment. They explained the different screen components and their properties. Students tested the app on their smartphones.


    “Talk to me” app

    The participants developed their second application. They changed the app to show a dog picture and use a dog bark sound. They used two pictures and two sounds adding two “Cat-Dog” selection buttons (variable usages) to select the picture and sound. The aim of this exercise was to test the speech capability of their smartphones.


    “Throw the dice” app

    The participants developed their third application. They uploaded more pictures to a project. They used random numbers and combined characters to form a word (the name of a file). They started with a single dice to throw. Afterwards, they expanded the program to include 2 dices. EXTRA: the participants added an extra sound/message for scoring double 6.

    “Tourist photo guide” app

    The participants developed their fourth application. Everyone had a choice to show pictures of landmarks of his/her own country/ home place. Students could improvise and modify the app with more features on their own.

    “Screen doodle” app

    The participants developed their fifth app. They were taught how to draw on canvas. They changed the picture-canvas and added colour selection buttons to change the pen colour. They made standard apps and downloaded them to smartphones using a QR code. EXTRA: the participants added pen size buttons and drew in a photograph.

    Multimedia workshops

    The participants filmed and edited their tapes. They had to prepare short videos with their impressions about the stay in Poland. They had to apply different functions such as theme, time, music, special effects and filters. They were allowed to use any video makers to create their presentations.