Presentation of the project to the Greek Educational community

  • On Wed 27th February 2019 we organized a meeting at a nearby school, the 1st High school of Galatsi. There, we presented our project to 3 schools based in our municipality. Specifically we invited representatives, students and teachers, of the 1st High school of Galatsi, the 2nd secondary school of Galatsi and the 39th high school of Athens.  In our presentation we introduced our project focusing on how it is organized and implemented. Since the participants were from three schools that haven’t ever participated in an international partnership, through our presentation we tried to acquaint them with our experience from the specific project as well as the benefits for our school’s community from our continuous involvement in such partnerships. At the end of our presentation we answered several question that participants addressed us. The feedback we got was two-sided. On the one hand both students and theachers were impressed by the opportunity to communicate with Europeans as well as travel to their countries and get to know them. On the other hand teachers were skeptical towards organizing a partnership while students were anxious for the responsibilities deriving from its implementation. We tried to provide them reasonable and practical answers in order to inspire them that they should try to participate in international partnerships available through Erasmus+ funding.






    The file used for the presentation is available here