u) Happy achievements and dissemination of our project



    The Portuguese team is very happy to annouce  that our project is part of a group of 4 projects developped in EB n2 school in Lousã recently awarded with the label "Escola Amiga da Criança" /"A child-friendly school". The results were known on 1st June (Children's Day in Portugal), we thank all the partners' cooperation, without your collaboration this award would not be possible.



    escola amiga da criança.jpg

    EBn2da Lousã.jpg
    Througout the project EP2H has been mentioned and disseminated on different channels: facebook, local newspapers, meetings with parents and other events in the local communities.
    Our Project's  website:
    We've been working together on "eTwinning Path to Happiness" since September 2017 and we'd love to go on developping Emotional intelligence skills. This is a summary of our work so far:




    At Polish school we informed the school community about our project creating a school eTwinning magazine and describing the most interesting project activities there.


                                                                                                                        Lousã (Portugal), Wednesday, 25th July


    Dear Students, dear teachers - partners in our project EP2H
    Our Path to happiness is now reaching significant results, as our project has been awarded the first Quality Label, thank you all for your help, collaboration and "Happy Feelings" with EP2H!!!
    For you all Happy Summer Holiday!

                                                                                                                                                      Cristina Silva

    And we are all very glad to annouce more happy achievements with EP2H:
    • In Turkey...

      "We got the etwinning quality label as the Turkish team.We are so happy.Thank you for your cooperation and collaboration with us."


      In Poland...

      "I am happy to inform you that today our school was awarded with the Quality Label for EP2H project. Thank you for your collaboration in this wonderful project. Nice to be here with all of you."

    • We are very glad to get this achievement, dear partners, thank you!


      - Posted by Cristina Silva, 13.11.2018Add a comment | Delete

    • Thank you dear partners for all our efforts for the project.You are GREAT !

      EP2H EQL.JPG
      The EventLetters and Music” was held at Lousã Town Library in
      November 2018  to presenteTwinning Path to Happinessand  
      to award the Portuguese students with the Quality Label Certificate.
      Students, parents and teachers celebrated together this achievement.
      European Quality label  - Ceremony held at Agrupamento da Batalha on 27th March 2019 where principals and teachers of schools in the centre of Porugal had the opportunity to share opinions and experiences. It was a very enriching moment to celebrate eTwinning. Agrupamento de Escolas da Lousã was awarded the European Quality Label for the project "eTwinning Path to Happiness". Once more we thank all the partners for the collaboration and commitment.