s) Final activity: our galllery of happiness/ our map with Paths to Happiness

  • Througout the project we have been creating a map to different Paths that can lead to well-being and happiness.

                   Our map to Happiness:

    We suggest you a final challenge: pick up your camera, tablet or mobile phone and go out. Notice everything around you and how nature, your environment and the people around you can make you feel good and happy.

                   Our Gallery of Happiness:

    Register the moment and upload the photos you have taken, write a brief description and say why these people or things can lead you to a Path of Happiness.

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     Our Happiness Final Challenge:

    This is our suggestion for EP2H final Challenge - a game for our students to play outside and enjoy happy moments together. 




    Final Challenge in Lousã (Portugal)


    On June,14th class 5F students, teachers and some parents had the opportunity to celebrate eTwinning and the end of school year with our happiness Final Challenge - game and a picnic. All the teams accompçlished the tasks and had great fun, then we had a picnic together.

    final challenge_Lousã.jpg

    Final Challenge in Ascó (Spain)


    In Ascó, last Thursday (June, 21st), 4th level students played the Happiness Final Challenge in the school playground. It was a very nice way of finishing English lesson this school year. 6th level students were there too. 

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    Final Challenge in Dzierzoniów (Poland)


    On our last English lessons at school we were playing E.P.2 H. Final Challenge game. Students liked it a lot!

    Final Challenge in Poland.jpg





    Paths to Happiness

    Active April by Action to Happiness:

    Meaningful May by Action to Happiness:

    Suggestions to practice in June:

    "Joyful June - it's the little things that make life big" by Action for Happiness which lauched 
    "Joyful June calendar, full of ideas to help us appreciate the good things and live a more joyful life". Let us try and enjoy it!

    Joyful June.jpg

    joy is portable_June.jpg
    "Jump Back July" - How to be more resilient - by Action for Happiness: "ideas to help us be more resilient to  life's ups and downs" ;
    In August  Action for Happiness brings us the "Altruistic August calendar, full of ideas for simple ways to be kind and help others". If we try, even a little bit we will feel very very good!


    August by Action for Happiness.jpg

    These are different suggestions for different paths we can try for a happier and more responsible life.