Letter exchange


    Letter exchange amongst the various schools are also very happy moments for students.


    Before Christmas the Portuguese and Polish students exchanged letters and this was an activity which made them very happy.

    After Easter Holidays, in April, the Portuguese students had a surprise: new letters from their Polish friends had just arrived at school!

    Reading letters from Portuguese friends made Polish students very happy!

    Portuguese students have just finished answering the letters from their Polish friends. The letters are now ready to be sent to Dzierzoniów.

    Some of the Portuguese students have written their email addresses, or given instructions so that their friends look for them on facebook or Instagram as a way to keep in touch during the Summer. They loved this letter exchange!

    Before the school year end in Poland students got the letters from Portugal what made them really happy as they were waiting for the letters for many weeks. They will answer the letters in September just after summer holiday! Happy summer holiday for all eTwinners from 'eTwinning Path to Happiness' project!!!

    Polish students are reading letters.jpg