World Kindness Day in Lousã_Portugal

  • In Lousã 25 students, aged 10-11 , in year 5, class F, prepared the activity for students in 3 schools: Escola Básica nº1, Escola Básica nº2 and Escola Secundária da Lousã involving more than 600 students. Teachers and janitors also participated. There was a game at the libraries and each class wrote a sentence about kindness, each sentence was written on a leaf and the Tree of Kindness was created with all the thoughts and opinions. In the school toilets sentences saying "Thank you", "Have a good day"; "please" "Welcome" and other kind expressions were displyed on the mirrors. We all hope these kind words and actions can be heard /seen very often. Thank you for your cooperation to make World Kindness Day a day to be remembered and repeated.