During the project, we will organize several face-to-face meetings and online.
December 14 - our Christmas party online!
23rd of March 2018- our second online meeting
Easter in Romania from Cornelia Melcu on Vimeo.
Happy Easter from Brodnica !
Learning about Children's Rights. June 1st, 2018.
(Online meeting through Hangouts in June 6th, 2018)
"ODD SPORT CHARACTER" online meeting held on the 16th of November. The students presented a famous "odd" sport personality.
Students from all 6 countries met online on 16/11/2018, 9:30 CET and presented odd characters in sports or odd sports. It is evident that athletes and sports are not always the ones we are used to! Disability, difficulties or extreme characteristics should not hold us back from achieving our goals, as everyone has the right to succeed.