Piazza Armerina, 5-8 March 2018
2nd Transnational Meeting in Piazza Armerina – Catania Sicily
Saturday – Sunday ( 3 – 4 / March , 2018)
Arrival of all the partners of the Project in Piazza Armerina – Sicily, Italy.
•Welcome of all the partners to School Leonardo da Vinci. Exchange of presents and start of the meeting conference.
•Presentation by a group of Italian students of the novel they have worked on : Roso Malepelo , a story about an odd character – a national writer’s novel
•Presentation of books to be read and worked in different ways by the coordinators -Greece. Ideas, recommendations and discussion about ways to work about the project. Clarifications about how cross-curriculum approach is to be used and the outcomes expected to have.
•Presentation of all partners’ work so far.
•Lunch break at school with traditional food
•Guided Visit at Villa Romana, a unique monument of great archaeological interest.
•Dinner with all the participants and one representative on behalf of the host school.
• Presentation of the odd and strange by a group of Italian students who wrote the lyrics, composed the music and finally presented their work and performed their song so beautifully that everybody was amazed. Their song “Scars to beautiful” is about the way that different is perceived by young people and the struggle they make to accept themselves being different and beautiful in many ways.
•E-Twinning presentation by the Romanian partner who is also an e-Twinning ambassador in Romania. During this presentation there was a common decision about a tele- conference on a special day in March which is one of our tasks for better communication and partnership.
•E- Twinning Workshop to help participants become more familiar with using Twinspace and uploading different activities completed through the project on various platforms.
•A first approach to the comic which is one of the common products of our project. Discussion and writing down of ideas and suggestions about the best way of work on it.
•Walking around the town and sightseeing. Visit of the Cathedral the old city and other attractions of the place.
•Dinner at a local restaurant in the town.
•Discussion and agreement on the activities that will be presented during the first LT meeting in Romania in April.
•Exchange of ideas about the dissemination of the project and the activities.
•Discussion about the evaluation to take place after the meetings .
•Clarifications and problem solving in different cases, situations to be raised by the partners in dealing with the project.
•Guided Sightseeing in Morgantina, Aidone where we were shown the ancient Greek city with the “ Agora”, and the theatre dating back to 6th century B.C
•Farewell dinner with all the partners present.