Capacities and mases in Primary School
CEIP 'Ntra. Sra. del Consuelo', Spain. April, 2019
By studying diversity from a different perspective, different subjects face quirks. For example, dividing by zero in mathematics or evolutionary peculiarities in biology. They will be used as a "springboard" to talk about diversity. In particular, we turn to music. Some musical intervals were considered to be "mismatched" in classical music. However, innovative methods have managed to fill the gap and currently there is no specific harmonic and non-harmonic distribution, because in the right context and after some adjustment everything can work together and create a harmonic composition. How did the musicians manage to do it? Is it possible for different people? Students will get acquainted with this phenomenon, examine the solutions provided and, for the second year, they will make an independent "musical match".
Oddity in Physical Education Curriculum at Primary Level.
CEIP 'Ntra. Sra. del Consuelo', Spain. May, 2018
'Anaerobic games in Primary School'
by Primary 5 & 6 pupils.
Lesson Plan:
Oddity in PE curriculum at primary level.docx
Polska - Brodnica
co słyszysz? i co to znaczy?
takie samo sformułowanie i inne znaczenie
Zobacz wideo ...
i popatrz na plan lekcji ... masz linki do dobrych umiejętności ICT
The odd one ...IN ! at science
albinism, dwarfism, gigantism, bulimia, anorexia and genetics
Lesson plan for presentation
Oddity in:
Matemathics- Școala Gimnazială Nr. 9 „Nicolae Orghidan” Brașov, Romania
There are odd and even numbers in mathematics. Here is the action created by the Romanian school to explain it to young students aged 6-7.
Mathematics as... odd. Is zero normal?