1st Transnational meeting in Madeira, Portugal minute
Purpose: introduce schools, partners, schedule first activities of the project and get to know Madeira and Escola Básica dos 1º, 2º e 3º Ciclos/PE Professor Francisco Manuel Santana Barreto - Fajã da Ovelha
Saturday 2/12/2017 and Sunday 3/12/2017: Arrival days, meet hosts and all partners
Monday 4/12/2017: Meet the Mayor at the Town Hall.
Discussion over the importance and the necessity of Erasmus+ programs for the Municipality of Calheta, a geographically distant area. Gifts exchange.
Meeting of all partners involved. Welcome chorus and presentation of the school by the students of Escola Básica dos 1º, 2º e 3º Ciclos/PE Professor Francisco Manuel Santana Barreto - Fajã da Ovelha. Gifts exchange. Presentation by each partner of their school. Presentation of the project activities as stated in the proposal by the cordinator school, 1st Primary School of Perama. Exchange of ideas for the best practices to work together and produce common outcomes.
Tuesday 5/12/2017: Visit the capital of Madeira, Funchal.
Reception at the Secretary of Education’s Office. Meeting with the Principal and Councelor of Education’s Office. Presentation of the project and the schools. Exchange of ideas about the importance and the impact of the project
Visit the University of Madeira and a guided tour around the distinctive historical buildings and culture of Funchal.
Evening at picturesque villages of Madeira
Wednesday 6/12/2017: Visiting primary schools at Ponta do Pargo
Welcome chorus and workshop with the students and teachers
Coordinators’ meeting: schedule of the next first activities to be completed until the following TM in Italy
Agreement on the specific dates of the next TM and LTE
Seminar on eTwinning platform by the ambassador of eTwinning Cornelia Melcu (partner of Brasov) and schedule of two eTwinning live events, on Tuesday only for teachers to test the system and on Thursday an online Christmas meeting to exchange wishes, sing and present local Christmas food.
Goodbye dinner with the teachers and the Principal of Escola Básica dos 1º, 2º e 3º Ciclos/PE Professor Francisco Manuel Santana Barreto - Fajã da Ovelha