Climate Action project, October 2017. Our participation in this wonderful project leaded by Koen Timmers and also part of the tasks of "URRRGENT, Europe's knocking at the door" eTwinning project has been published in the Media:

    - The FECC ( Fundació Escola Cristiana de Catalunya) digital bulletin: Climate Action Project in the FECC's bulletin

    - The Council's digital bulletin:  The Council's digital bulletin


    Dear friends,
    We are glad to announce you that our project "
    URRRGENT! Europe's knocking at the door" has been selected as a candidate for the European prize.
    Last Wednesday 24th January the
    Regional TV Canal Taronja  came to school to interview the pupils and the teacher from Sant Josep school in Navàs.They wanted to know what action we did for the European Week of Waste Reduction: "Give it a new life" desings and also the "Garlic soup" a traditional soup that uses dry bread to avoid food waste.

    This is their report:

    L’Agència de Residus de Catalunya ha presentat sis projectes catalans al IX Premi Europeu de la Prevenció de Residus, que es donarà a conèixer en una cerimònia a finals de maig a Brussel·les.
    Entre els candidats seleccionats hi ha el projecte dels alumnes de 5è de primària col·legi Sant Josep de Navàs que competeix en l’apartat Cooperació entre regions i que es titula “URRRGENT! Europe’s knocking at the door.” L’Agència l’ha seleccionat tenint en compte la relació de les activitats amb els eixos de la Setmana Europea de la Prevenció de Residus, celebrada el novembre passat, l’originalitat de la proposta, i el seu caràcter innovador. Des del centre navassenc estant satisfets de seguir participant en projectes europeus
    El treball seleccionat es basa a donar nova vida a objectes utilitzats, des d’ampolles convertides en dispensadors de bosses de plàstic o el programa de malbaratament d’aliments on es va presentar la reutilització del pa sec a través de la sopa d’all.
    Els alumnes tenen 10 anys, es relacionen amb altres alumnes de centres europeus i comparteixen projectes sobre les tres erres, reduir, reutilitzar i reciclar. Diversos alumnes explicaven el que havien fet i les seves experiències.
    És un projecte eTwinning entre el col·legi sant Josep de Navàs i l’escola grega 1st Experimental Primary School d’Alexandroupoli. Les escoles han compartit propostes per treballar el concepte “Donem-li una nova vida”.

    And our project on the Regional newspaper too!: Diari Freqüència del Bages Region, Catalonia:



    in the media

    Both countries, Greece and Catalonia participated in an Action within the programme from EWWR "Let's Clean Up Europe" as it was part of the project plan.

    Greece went to clean the seashore whereas Catalonia cleaned the riverside of River Llobregat. Media were invited to know what the Actions were about.

    Catalonia: the Town Hall digital Bulletin  published the news:



    In Greece the local newspaper published the announcement of our important activity!

    Pupils had TV reporters with them:

    One more local newspaper published our action the following day!!



    15th June from 15:00 to 17:00 parents, teachers and students met togehter to celebrate the end of the school year international projects. Pupils from Grade 5 presented their eTwinning project " URRRGENT! Europe's knocking at the door. They became the real protagonists of the afternoon and showed the audience the different activities we did during the year, from the very beginning when we discovered our partners through a Mistery Skype, the when we participated in the internatiional project "Climate Action project" by Koen Timmers, after that in novemeber when we enrolled the European Week of Waste Reduction, in December when we did a videoconference workshop of Christmas gifts, in January making our Eco- calendar 2018, the forums , then the surveys to our schools, then, the logo of our project, after taht in march we joined the campaign Let's clean Up Europe, in April we spread our Catalan tradition of Saint George's Day, and finally in may students showed the audience our song and choreography " Once upon in eTwinning".

    We had great fun and parents congratulated us for all our cooperative work with our friendly partners from Greece!

    They also encouraged us to keep working together because the final results are wonderful and very important!


    eTwinning projects' Celebration Day, 1st Experimental Primary School Alexandroupoli

    Pupils had the chance to present their work to the whole school, teachers and parents.
    Chapter by chapter:
    Mystery Skype, European Week of Waste Reduction (EWWR), Christmas in 3RRRs, eco-Calendar, Leat's Clean Up Europe activities, Saint George's Day, URRRGENT song, Live Events, Forums, it was shown the work done collaboratively with their partners from Navas.


    And the great moment of excitement came when they started to sing and dance our common song!!
    Congratulations, dear pupils!! You did a great job this year!!

    Friday 15 June 2018: Our last day at school in Greece
    Our classroom's walls are empty now. Our school will be also without pupils next week and for the whole summer....
    But we have in our hands an eTwinning memory, our certificates, to remind us the great work we did with our partners from Navas!!!



    Our actions have been published on the video made in Catalonia to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the EWWR!!!

    Watch minute 5:10

    And the diploma the agency sent to us!!!