• Here we will share our common work that we will do during October 2017 while we participate in an International project directed by Koen Timmers, who accepted us to be part of this incredible project called Climate Action project. 

    it fits perfectly to the topic and goals of our eTwinning project, that is why it will fit as a good introduction to help our kids to awareness about what climate Change is, which are its causes and effects and which solutions can we give as citizens.

    The project tasks are distributed in 4 weeks during October:

    - Week 1. what is climate change?

    - Week 2: Causes and effects

    - Week 3: Contributions and ideas

    - Week 4: Discussions


    Greece and Catalonia started a common research and upload the information they found and learned on a collaborative mind map using "" 2.0 webtool.

    After the research, we created a video presentation to demonstrate our learning. 

    Pay attention to what the Greek parnters say and how the Catalan ones perform it! Great connection!

    Week 2: Causes and effects

    We used ICT tools to show the world which are the causes and effects that produce the global warming or the climate change. "Postermywall", "Canva" have been used in both countries.

    Here is an ebook with outstanding posters that demonstrate pupils' clever work!!


    Week 3: Finding  solutions. Greek and Catalan students worked hard trying to tell the world what we can do to avoid Climate Change.

    Very interesting proposals, just take a seat and watch!


    Week 4: Skype lesson

    Catalan and Greek partners present themselves and talk about the solutions to avoid Global warming.

    Catalonia also had a very interesting videoconference via Skype with c´éline costeauC´éline costeau, thanks to the collaborative project " climate Action project"