Ibiza Blended Mobility of School Learners

  • Ecosystem Flip Learning video + Kahoot

    Part of the blended activity, pupils will watch the video with their peers presentation on the ecosystems that took place in Ibiza and they will join an online Kahoot on the topic to check for understanding and assess their learning paths in Science by means of a foreign language.

    Blended Mobility of School Learners - Pupils & Parents appreciation

    Ozan' s video:

    Beren' s video:

    Blended Mobility of School Learners - Day #5

    - Job Shadowing
    - Pupils workshops @ whole school approach Open Day for PBL
    - Certificates ceremony
    - Farewell pupils + families + teachers

    Blended Mobility of School Learners - Day #4

    - CLIL Science Job Shadowing
    - CLIL Tool Kit sharing of best practices/ dissemination with 2 International schools:
    * KA1 Finland teachers from Torres de Balàfia School
    * Teachers from CEIP S'Oliveira
    - Analyses of video CLIL Science lessons

    Blended Mobility of School Learners - Day #3

    - Official visit to the Ibiza and Formentera Council
    - Visit to Dalt Vila
    - Visit to the Hippie Market
    - Visit al poblat de Balàfia

    Blended Mobility of School Learners - Day #2

    - CLIL Science Job Shadowing
    - Workshops in CLIL Science + Arts & Crafts for primary education

    Blended Mobility of School Learners - Day #1

    - Official opening with the involvement of the school community
    - Celebration of International Book Day
    - Whole school approach: 1 day p/ week older students work as tutors of younger ones, ie. move around classes (8yrs with 3yrs) and lead learning activities.

    Made with Padlet


    Blended Mobility of School Learners - preparation

    3.  Ceip Puig d’en Valls Host pupils and sending pupils engage in live communication

    Using eTwinning Live pupils from Portugal, Slovakia, Spain and Turkey engaged in a preparatory chat before travelling to Ibiza for the Blended Activity of School Learners. Communicative Competence enhanced in a real and meaningful setting! 



    2.  Ceip Puig d’en Valls Blended Mobility of School Learners Agenda

     Ibiza Working Agenda 23rd to 27th April 2018

    1. Ceip Puig d’en Valls Host familes present themselves