Hands On CLIL is a 2 years Erasmus+ project focused on CLIL method in language learning.
The idea of this project comes out from a natural need of all partner institutions to innovate their process of teaching/learning by bringing a new method into practice and improve foreign language competences of students beginning at a very young age. As a tool to achieve these objectives we want to use CLIL /Content and Language Integrated Learning/.
Analysis reveals that bringing CLIL into real lessons faces lots of difficulties: lack of information, teaching /pedagogical materials, missing support or no one to exchange information in the region as there are not many schools using the method, and teachers are not prepared enough. Therefore we decided to create a partnership involving schools eager to get ready to teach with CLIL and those willing to share and exchange their experience. The partnership also aims at exploring new ways of using modern technologies such as smartphones, iPods or tablets in CLIL teaching/learning.
We are looking forward to this new adventure in order to keep on the leading paths!
Happy HANDS ON CLIL to all teachers and pupils!
The Coordination Team,
September 2017