Missions 21st century

  • Welcome to the 21st century, a period characterized by major changes but also by many problems. You can also fulfil yourself as a person and actively contribute to the accomplishment of a better world. To do this you have to be very prepared and be aware that learning lasts throughout the life. You will also need to be persistent, do not give up at the first hurdle that you find along your path and become aware that the error is not a condemnation but a stimulus to improve. You'll also need to make yourself available to collaborate with others to solve common problems and demonstrate your initiative and resourcefulness. This project, in line with national and European directives, it's designed to guide you along some routes (missions) that will allow you to reach some useful competences  fundamental to become an active and conscious citizen of 21st century. Each month you will be assigned a mission that you will have to take cooperating with pupils from other European schools

    Are you ready to leave? One, two three ... starting off

    Mission 1 - Open your mind and meet new people:  Now that you arrived on this new planet  can not  certainly fulfil your missions alone. As you have been told your group of adventure is also formed by other children and teachers from other European countries. So what are you waiting for to get in touch with them and know them? Your task is to present yourself, your school, your country using Ovoo, a videochat tool that enables you to connect remotely.

    Mission 2 -  Be a digital citizen: The inhabitants of the 21st century make heavy use of technological tools: mobiles, tablets, ipads, laptops, etc. To what do they use them? What are the most commonly used instruments? Do people use these tools in a resposible way? You have the task of carrying out a survey on the use of digital tools in various contexts of life (at school, at home, in the spare time) and create a handbook of useful rules to be a good digital citizen.

    Mission 3 - Be an artist:  

    The  21st century is characterized by globalization, use of technology, multilingualism. How is it seen and perceived by the people?

    • You have the task to find it out participating in a contest of ideas for the design of a logo in color, hand drawn with free technique and then digitized. The drawing will graphically refer to the characteristics of the society of the 21st century. You must send your proposal  and with other competitors in the 21st century will have to choose the most representative and significant. 
    • Remember to be a designer decorating your house and school on special occasions. Share your ideas with others. The best way of learning is learning from each other, so explain how to make your favourite  decorations and record a tutorial for the others

    Mission 4 - Be a musician: The music is an important component of the society of the 21st century. It unites people and cultures, expressing feelings and emotions, conveys values and ways of living. Especially at certain times people on Earth use music as a tool celebratory and blessings. One of these moments is Christmas. But what are the songs that traditionally  Europeans people  have used on this occasion?

    • You have the task to investigate the most representative songs of some European countries and implement a joint Christmas concert. Eventually express your opinion by voting for the best performance
    • There are other moments in your school in which music is used with socializing and celebratory function? Share them with your fellow Europeans

    Mission 5 - Be an explorer and a mathematician: In the 21st century, thanks to the means of faster locomotion, people leave for various reasons the place where they live to reach other places. In this sense we are all a little explorers. Travelling to new places puts people in contact with new realities, enhancing them to know and to explore new places. What makes people to travel in the 21st century? What are the places they visit most? You can find out making a survey and applying it to  the people you know (in the classroom, at home, through the means of social networks, eg. Facebook). You can also plan a trip to your country to help people to visit it more easily.  Insert also the information on distance, time and any costs.


    Mission 6 - Be a trainer - During your journey on this planet have you ever heard the people around you pronouncing phrases like: I'm anxious;  I can not do it, I'm very tired, I'm stressed? Have you ever seen a person who seems to be extremely nervous or worried? Have you ever tried the same feelings like that? Do you know that the ability to overcome these situations by using the best of our resources is called resilience? Resilience is all about being able to overcome the unexpected, to adapt to new situations, persist in pursuing our own objectives, effectively facing difficulties and other negative events that will meet on the way, reaching important destinations.  Do you know that  a balanced life,  indulge that space and peace to relax regularly and recharge yourself,   take care of your body means to give  your resilience a chance to increase? If your body is stronger, then you have built up the strength and endurance to have a stronger mind, and it will indeed help you in moments of crisis. Being physically fit will improve your self-esteem, positive thinking, and ability to feel empowered, all of which will help you be resilient.

    Your mission consists of different parts:
    • Compare your way to spend the day with that of your fellow Europeans by videoconferencing. Before fill  the chart inserted in the page " Be a trainer" . Answer to this question: How many hours do you spend on the following: physical activity, sleeping, relaxing, watching TV / gaming, homework, others ? Do they respect the recommended daily times to be spent on each activity? Why is sleep important? Why is it important to do sports? Why is it important not to spend too much time watching TV or gaming? What can you do to manage the recommended daily times?
    • Using Focusky (or Prezi) draw up the plan "Be active, be healthy, be happy" with tips to recharge yourself and to be more resilient, share it on the TwinSpace together with that of the other European fellow. Eventually  express your opinion on the best presentation by voting.
    • Show some of your experiences that can help others to lead a healthier way of life.


    Mission 7- Be an enviromentalist  - Surely in this journey on Planet Earth you will have had the chance to notice the beauty of nature that surrounds us, the scent of flowers, the charm of a sunset, the energy of the sun shining in the clear sky, the breeze touching your face , the birds singing ...

    Do you know that life on Earth is strongly based on a close relationship between some  of its elements? However, today the ecosystem is severely threatened by some serious dangers: global warming, pollution, the excessive production of garbage that is not disposed of properly and dwindling natural resources necessary to human life.

    What can you do so that we live happily on our planet Earth, enjoying the fresh air and green forests and parks and allow this to happen in the future?

    Your mission is to convince others why the issue of environmental protection  is extremely important, and why  they should support it. 


    • To observe something you have to know , appreciate and love it. What are some nice places in your country? Show them to your mates and to other people.

    • What makes these places in danger? Identify some of the main sources of pollution in the place where you live.

    • What are you doing to protect the environment? The sharing of best practices is an example and an incentive for others to do the same. Show  some rules that you follow to protect the environment. 

    • Finally use MagMadz to create a collaborative online magazine and share it on the twinspace.

    Have fun becoming an expert on environment protection!