Mission 2 - Be a digital citizen

  • The inhabitants of the 21st century make heavy use of technological tools: mobiles, tablets, ipads, laptops, etc. Sometimes they do not always use them properly. What do they use them for? What are the most commonly used tools/ instruments? Do people use these tools in a responsible way? You have the task of carrying out a survey on the use of digital tools in various contexts of life (at school, at home, in the spare time) and create a handbook of useful rules to be a good digital citizen.

    We have done some research work on the subject "safety on the Internet" and we did a brainstorming activity. Then we have worked collaboratively on a joint presentation on google docs.


    Handbook: How to be a responsible Digital Citizen.




    Braimstorming activity




    Involving  the wider community



    Results of the survey in our classes





    - Watch this video about the use of the mobile phone and discuss with your classmates.




