This page has been made by Annika's and Lara's tutor teachers, Mrs. Fasanelli and Ms. Rizzo.
From November 27th, 2 Erasmus+ German pupils, Annika and Lara, attend their partner school Liceo N. Machiavelli in Rome in 2 of its sites (Annika via dei Sabelli, class 4 O, Lara via Giovanni da Procida, class 4 H)
Annika is hosted by Lavinia B.' family. Lavinia is her tutor pupil. Ms. Rizzo is her tutor teacher.
Lara is hosted by Arianna C.'s family. Her tutor pupil is Dareen D. Mrs. Fasanelli is her tutor teacher.
Link to the dedicated forum

One of the aims of their stay is getting to know the cultural heritage of Rome and their Italian partners help them with that.
Here Dareen presents the Romantic poet Byron and Rome (Mrs. Fasanelli)

Lara teaches German in I H during an English lesson about "Cultural Heritage" (Mrs. Fasanelli)

1.12.17 Lara takes part in the event "New skills agenda for Europe" at Nuova Aula del Palazzo dei gruppi parlamentari, Via Campo Marzio 78, Roma
Here the link to Machiavelli school site (Mrs. Pastore)
4.12.17 Downtown walk

Link to the school site article about Mrs. Marconi lesson "Reason and History". Mrs. Marconi is Lara's Italian teacher at Liceo Machiavelli.

7.12. 2017 Annika, Lavinia and 4 O girls in Salerno

15.12 .2017 December 2018 Annika talks about German Xmas traditions in 2 N (Ms Rizzo)

16.12.2017 Lara and Dareen sightseeing (Piramide Cestia, Aventino)

18.12.2017 Walk to Campo de' Fiori with 2 LTM Teacher tutors (Ms. Rizzo and Mrs. Fasanelli), Annika, Lara, Dareen, Lavinia and some other Italian pupils

22.12.2017 Annika, Lavinia, Eleonora and Jacopo from class 4O acted as facilitators and control group of the workshop Stop Bullying. They guided their classmates to make this experience (Ms. Rizzo)

22.12.2017 At early morning Lara takes part in the visit to Villa Torlonia with her Italian teacher, Mrs. Marconi, and class 4H

22.12.2017 School field trip with 3 H to Villa Borghese to see the replica of the Globe Theatre and read some pages of the play "Macbeth" by W. Shakespeare (Mrs. Fasanelli)

2017 Xmas time
Lara playing tombola (Italian bingo) at her teacher tutor's place (Mrs. Fasanelli)

Lara and Dareen at the Xmas tree of Termini railway station (Mrs. Fasanelli)

6.1.18 Lara and Arianna at one of their friends 18th birthday

6.1.2018 Annika and Lavinia at Fontana di Treivi

10.1.2018 Lara goes bowling with Mrs. Pastore and her classes and wins the golden medal

12.1.2018 Lara and Dareen in a self-study session at school (during Students' days)

17.1.2018 Lara attends one the many eventi Liceo Machiavelli arranges for the project "Memory" (Mrs. Raimondo)

Dec. 2017 Lara shopping with Arianna and her 5 H classmates

23.1.2018 Lara visits 2 classes of the school main building and shares her Erasmus+ experience (Mrs. Fasanelli). Here the link to Machiavelli school site
24.1.2018 Annika, Lara and Pietro at the Eliseo theatre in Rome to see "A Midsummer's night dream" (Ms. Rizzo and Mrs. Fasanelli)

Lara takes part in 4 H work on one of Molière's plays (Mrs. Ciarlo)
Lara takes part in the Physics CLIL Module (Mrs. Aresu)

24.1.2018 Annika and Lara at a pizzeria after the theatre ((Ms. Rizzo and Mrs. Fasanelli)

25.1.2018 Lara takes part in a theatre perfomance, here you have the link to the article on the school site and a pic (Mrs. Marconi)

26.1.2018 Lara and Zoe from 4 H. Zoe has made the class farewell card for Lara (Mrs. Fasanelli)

26.1.18 Mrs. Pastore gives Lara her Coding certificate

27.1.18 Departure from Roma, Ciampino (Mrs. Fasanelli)