The week program is here
The documentation of the Erasmus+ week in Rome is at thisk link of the Liceo N. Machiavelli's site
Here you have the presentation of the Final Ceremony (6.10.2017) divided in 5 sections
Here you have the videos related to the 5 Roman workshops on citizenship and the video of the final ceremony
1.Stop bullying:
Inquiry-based work with the purpose of making young women and men aware of the problem of bullying and cyberbullying with the guidance of a reknown expert. Focus on the idea of getting involved and helping the others and the belief that united we can make the difference

2. Archeocitizenship:
Through the exploration of specific places in Rome ( Piramide Cestia, Arco di Settimio Severo) and the meeting with experts and a refugee, pupils delve into the notions of citizenship and inclusion in ancient and contemporary Rome building up interviews.

3. Sport&Citizenship:
Sport in its social and inclusive dimension as a chance of promoting values and going beyond mere competition. Under the guidance of sport journalists, pupils learn how to organize an inclusive sport event using media.

4. Skills for global citizenship:
Under the guidance of young experts on global issues, pupils reflect upon and train specific skills (time management, leadership, negotiation, etc.) in order to set up the concept of a social campaign.

Through non-sense and play, getting to experience how to "speak" with your body and voice occupying a space without boundaries where true communication becomes possible