In November 2017 , Class III H control group from Liceo N. Machiavelli in Rome present their workshop on Skills for Global Citizenship to their target group (the work has been done in French under the supervision of the French teacher, Angela Ciarlo)
On 22 December, 2017, at the Liceo N. Machiavelli, Annika, the guest student from Coburg, Lavinia, Eleonora and Jacopo from class 4O acted as facilitators and control group of the workshop Stop Bullying. They guided their classmates to make this experience (the control group students had first tried out this experiencet during the Erasmus+ week in Rome in October 2017). It was such an intense moment of emotions and friendship.

In Janurary 2018 , Class III H control group from Liceo N. Machiavelli in Rome test the socializing part of their workshop on Skills for Global Citizenship with their target group (the work has been done in French under the supervision of the French teacher, Angela Ciarlo)