Long Term Mobility: Italian pupils in Coburg_Documentation

  • This page has been made by Pietro's and Dareen's tutor teacher, Mrs. Hoepfel, and Annikas' and Lara's tutor teachers, Mrs.Rizzo and Mrs. Fasanelli.

    From January 27th, two Erasmus+ Italian pupils, Pietro and Dareen, attend their partner school Gymnasium Casimirianum in Coburg in class 10b.

    Pietro is hosted by Annika's family. Mrs. Hoepfel is his tutor teacher.

    Dareen is hosted by Lara's family.  Mrs. Hoepfel is her tutor teacher.


    Some impressions of the first week

    27.1.18 Arrival in Nuremberg ( by Pietro) Dareen's arrival in Nuremberg

    29.1.18 Casi school ( by Pietro)


     Coburg by night ( by Pietro)Table tennis in school ( by Pietro)


     (pics sent by Pietro)            ​2.2.18 Erasmus+poster at Casi (by Pietro) 


    A video documentation of Dareen's and Pietro's first experiences (31.1.18)

    Here you can find video clips about Pietro's and Dareen's first impressions of the school and of Coburg: https://twinspace.etwinning.net/45002/materials/files

    Some impressions of the second week

    5.2.18 In the mountains (by Pietro) 8.2.18 Carneval at school (by Mrs. Hoepfel)


    8.2.18 Carneval at school (By Pietro)

    Snow in Coburg (Dareen and Lara)Fun in the snow (Dareen and Lara)

    Billard in Coburg (Dareen)Playing games at Lara's place


    Some impressions of the third week

    13.2.18 In Austria (by Dareen)     14.2.18 Cross-country skiing (by Dareen)


     16.2.18 Ice dancing near Beiersdorf (by Pietro)In Austria (Dareen)

    Skiing in Austria (Dareen)Eating in Austria (Dareen)

    Dareen at Veste Coburg (18.02.18) Dareen at Veste Coburg (18.02.18)

    Lara and Dareen visited the cinema "Odeon" in Bamberg with Mrs. Hoepfel.

    They watched the Oscar winner "Shape of Water" (28.2.18)

    Dancing party with Lara and Dareen in Coburg (3.3.18)




    Dareen and Pietro are doing a presentation about Italy in a Spanish class in Spanish language (8.3.18)

    Here you can find the presentation:


    Pietro's thoughts about cultural differences for a talk (22.03.18)

    Time to say goodbye: Last day in class (23.03.18)

    Time to say goodbye: Dareen, Pietro and Lara at Staffelberg (27.03.18)