Timing: from September to January
Step 1
Pupils brainstorm on the question: WHAT IS AN ACTIVE CITIZEN LIKE?
Step 2
Pupils watch the video "What is Active Citizens?"
After watching the film pupils are encouraged to get aware of and share ideas about concepts and issues connected to active and global citizenship (global citizenship (e.g. poverty, migrations, gender equality, human rights,environment) and active citizenship (e.g. conflict resolution, bullying, cultural heritage preservation). The students who are going to take part in the Roman mobility take a picture of themselves with an object or symbol of active or global citizenship. They will bring the pics with them for the Active citizenship wall/poster in Rome
Step 3
Control group pupils meet in Rome, Italy 1-7 October
Students a) analyse new teaching/learning practices related to citizenship b) test their weaknesses and strengths, c) evaluate the new mats
The documentation of the Roman week is here
Step 4
Back home, control group pupils test some of the new teaching/learning practices related to citizenship with target group pupils
Driving question or challenge: "How can citizenship projects support inclusion?"
21st competences to be developed and assessed: critical thinking, creativity
Suggested tools and products: mindmaps, word docs, prezi, ppt, videos, slideshows
Pupils arrange a video conference to compare their findings with one of the partners' team (If the schools policies and timetables allow that). Suggested platforms: skype, eTwinning live