
    One of the most important factors in today’s society is our relationship with digital contents, but basically, social networks; there is no question the Internet is an enormously popular, convenient and immediately gratifying way to connect with others. Social media sites such as Facebook cites nearly one billion users worldwide. It certainly offers us an instant audience and attention. It allows us to stay in touch more easily, even with anyone from any part of the world. It can also help fight feelings of loneliness. But there are some disadvantages too; the information you post on the Internet is available to almost anyone who is clever enough to access it. Most thieves need just a few vital pieces of personal information to hurt your life and can they steal your identity or alter fraudulently it . Another disadvantage is the difficulty in the ability to manage the time as well as the danger of the use of social media can became into an addiction.

    In five years time, social networking will be even more successful, so it will be able to get worse human relationships as a result of the cultural change by technological progress; there will be more isolated people, more loneliness. Also it will have more privacy because we think it will improve because of today's hackers. Total privacy does not exist, since there are professional hackers like Anonymous, who can enter your profile, find out your passwords and know your whole life by only accessing to your profile and investigating a little. Everyone will have more precaution when entering the internet. Above all adults who will be taking care of by their children, siblings, etc. Security will be much more severe, otherwise everything will get worse and nobody will eventually have privacy. Virtual police will have much more work and will even be involved in some conflicts in the networks.

    In addition, there are some people like Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning  who have revealed confidential CIA information to the world.These three people are considered heroes for most citizens and villains for politicians and financiers. The reasons are that these people, by revealing this information, have been able to provide somewhat of a "benefit" for many people and have provided information of the events that could happen, so that, they’ve warned citizens. In five years time, there could be more of these people, and doing bigger things, because the technology is developing every day and it could be easier for people to do the same as them.


    Resultat d'imatges de digital privacyResultat d'imatges de social media isolation 

     Resultat d'imatges de digital privacy


    TEAM 1 Sandra Esteban Lara Figueras Gemma Planas Maria Viedma