• Is it true that with the Internet comes a new way of life, where people believe they have everything they need at home, thanks to the Internet?


    We find an unlimited and excessive use of the internet. Its appeal for young people is characterized by how easy it is, the immediate rewards, the interactivity and the many activities they can do. Using it can be good as long as you keep doing activities that can be held also in different environments, such as family, social, school and personal. On the other hand social isolation can be generated by an addiction to the internet and can have effects such as depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, learning problems and attention. Young people enter unlimitedly in social networks which take little interest in social interactions until they start to leave aside daily activities such as fulfilling their tasks, going out with friends, etc.


    Some adolescent social network users do not express a high level of concern about third party access to their data. Some teens may not realize how their personal information is being used by third parties. Others see them as necessary to provide information or even welcome content about the brands they like.


    “Far from being privacy indifferent, today’s teens are mindful about what they post, even if their primary focus and motivation is often their engagement with an audience of friends and family, rather than how their online behavior might be tracked by advertisers or other third parties,”

    Mary Madden, Senior Researcher for the Pew Research Center’s Internet Project.


    Teens are the most frequent users of social networking sites and tend to have a greater variety of people in their networks of friends, such as teachers, coaches, celebrities and other famous people who have never met in person. However, even though they share more information with a wider range of people, they are also more actively engaged in maintaining their online profile or person.

    Teens now use socially organized websites to learn about others and explore identity formation. Privacy is not just hiding things. Privacy is the right of people to control what details about their lives remain within their own homes and what is filtered out. Citizens and consumers should know who collects what information and how it will be used.

    The question is, how do you publish the social media messages that are being used by others? Information security also means that people are free to determine what information about themselves they want to share with others.

    In the future, if technology continues to advance as it is today, in the end everyone will be completely isolated from their lives and obligations, from the importance we give to the internet and from the realistic vision that we give to these things that do not exist or are impossible to achieve.

    Technology will end up taking over all humanity, since there is no privacy and everything we do from the internet is registered and everyone can get all kinds of information about us.



    TEAM 2 Arnau Bramona Manu Marcello Marc Martín Montse Sancho