SWOT of dissemination

  • We are working on it SWOT of dissemination

    What is it SWOT?

    SWOT analysis is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats and is a method that evaluates those four elements of a work of organization, project etc.


    Facing weaknesses: 

    •  The dissemination must be carried out in three different countries ------ We have our project webpage, etwinning and other resources.

    • We might focus more on the dissemination rather than on the quality of the products ------ We can rely on the assessment indicators in our project.

    • The webpage of our project is a bit dull and information is a bit messy ----- We are already working on a new, more visual layout, where we are going to upload our training courses. 

    • Topic is considerably broad ---- We are narrowing it by focusing on specific training sessions. 



    • Nobody will find the webpage ----- We will disseminate it through different channels (at the local
      level and at the regional level). We will also add the link to our media releases.

    • The materials and courses won't be used by anybody ---- We have tested some of them in our meetings. We will test even more in the subsequent meetings and in our daily practice. 

    • The interest on the project may be only temporary. We might stop doing stuff when it is finished ---- There will be a conference at CEP Tenerife Sur once the project has finished. Our webpage will still be available after all our meetings have taken place, and we will continue holding training sessions in which we will use the materials. 

    • We might not reach it out enough and it might end up being another "paper work" for the stuff ---- In some of our training courses there will be a "dare to share" space. Besides, we will approach a very hands-on approach, with valuable, but little theory and more time devoted to workshops and practice. We will try to incorporate testimonials from teachers who have attended some of the courses.

    • Materials might not be clear and acccesible --- We are improving our webpage. We will include an online format and a downloadable one.

    • People might think it is just not for them --- Our training courses intend to provide usable materials; easy to transfer to teaching practice. At the same time they are designed in a flexible way, so teachers in Europe can apply them in their own context. They will also incorporate an outline and a brief explanation for each of them.