Project impact - teachers

  •    Summary made by Poland:

    1. Do you think that working on different projects is necessary and useful for your school? Why?

    - thanks to experiments, students were able to better understand some topics in the field of nature, biology or physics, and the lessons were also more motivating for them -70% of answers
    - students had the opportunity to develop their interests, creativity and independence- 70%
    - teachers had the opportunity to exchange experiences with colleagues from other countries - 75%
    - improvement of language competences - 80 %
    - developing of creative thinking - 50%
    - development of tolerance and open- mindedness - 70%
    - impact on the quality of school work - 100%
    - increasing the importance of school in the local community - 70%
    - improving IT skills - 80%
    - thanks to the projects, students have the chance to visit other countries and learn about culture -90%
    - our school needs projects to help children develop their communication skills and motivate them to learn English - 100%
    -The Erasmus + program has helped our students to join science with everyday situations - 40%
    - scientific experience attracted the students' attention and stimulated their natural curiosity - 60%
    - cooperation is very important not only between teachers and children in the same school, but also among other countries, because it enriches the learning and teaching process - 80%

       2. Do you think that the activities included in this project can be hooked into your practical teaching work? Why?

       - Yes, I do, because students need this kind of learning experience to be more motivated to the topic of learning. Sometimes, however, we pay       more attention to theory than to practice;
       - experiences help engage students by using creative methods to promote the approach. The projects and activities we have worked on can be included in our curriculum;
       - students learn a lot more when they can experiment, work as a team and when they search for information.

      3. Do you think that the project has improved the motivation of your students towards science? Why?

       -project stimulated the motivation to learn. Some of my students carried out experiments outside of school, which means they were very    motivated by these activities and had fun at the same time they were learning;

       - they can learn  in a practical way, instead of learning  by heart;

       - they have a chance for greater independence of their own learning process and have learned to perceive science as something interesting and fun;

       - the students began to perceive science as an extension of their everyday world;

       - experiments encouraged to discover learning through play, asking questions, using creativity to solve simple problems;

       - discovering science through projects can affect the future choice of a child's career in science

       - not only students with better marks benefited, but the project also motivated students with learning difficulties.