C- LTT2 / Formative assessment / GROUP WORK / 3 pupils meetings in 2016/2017

  • The group work has been implemented during the 3 student mobilities. The pupils meetings are organized by pairs, gathering pupils of the same age

    Here are the group work rules we follow in our school (Poland).

    Group work rules

    1. We work hard and earnestly.
    2. We divide the roles between all group members:
    • a group leader – responsible for the work of all members in the group, this person divides the tasks,
    • a secretary – takes notes, this person is responsible for writing part,
    • an alarm clock – watches over the time,
    • a reporter – together with the secretary presents the results of their work.

    3. We work silently remembering about good behavior.

    4. We are all responsible for completing the task (preparation of the materials, active cooperation). All for one, one for all!

    5. We appreciate other opinions and work. We share our opinions and ideas – There are no wrong ideas! We learn from each other!

    6. We care about aesthetics and legibility of our work.

    7. We give meaningful feedback based on the evaluation criteria to the task.