Here will be uploaded video, images, reports, description of lessons, creative techniques related to school subject -Geography
All Geography teachers from the participating school are responcible for these materials and will work in an international team to experimente and explore different creative techniques in teaching and learning this school subject. International team- Patricia Kokkinou - Cyprus, Francisco Ferreira - Portugal, Rosalia-
Workshop presented by Patricia Kokkinou from American Academy Larnaca, Cyprus as part of the Erasmus+ project "Creative Teaching and Learning" at the meeting in Spain 13-17 December 2016
Francisco Ferreira - Portugal :
Creativity in Geography, presented in Catarroja , Spain- December 2017
Workshop presented in Spain- December 2016 from the Spanish team , Florida Secundaria, Catarroja
Patricia Kokkinou - Cyprus:
07/01/2017 Cyprus: ThingLink activity for Year 3 students (Key Stage 3, Year 9)
I have used ThingLink in the past to teach but I have never asked my students to complete an activity by using this tool. After the meeting in Spain and the presentation by the English teacher on the use of ThingLink in her lesson, I have prepared a simple ThingLink activity for my students on the reasons for people to live in areas of volcanic activity. The following presentation will be used to explain this new tool next week. Examples of student's work will be added later.
ThingLink activity on living with volcanoes:
Workshop by Francisco Ferreira - Portugal
presented at the meeting in Portugal 26-30 April 2017