Article published in the public school's Facebook page of SU Ekzarh Antim I, Kazanlak, Bulgaria about our great project. The school Facebook page has 2847 followers. Each post for our project was red by 2000 of them.
Article in Portuguese schools' newsleter
Article in the Portuguese schools' newsleter
DISSEMINATION OF THE PROJECT RESULTS IN FLORIDA SECONDARY SCHOOL (SPAIN). Here you can see the summary of the publications about the project i our media.
The main diffusion actions carried out are:
- Project information on the Florida website Target group: general public, students, families ...
- Publication of 3 news items in El Semanal (digital newsletter that reaches all employees of the Florida Educational Group, approximately 400) and 1 article in La Cassola (Magazine directed to families, approximately 600 families)
- Dissemination in conferences, seminars and forums on educational innovation (Guidance Days, International Days of diversity, Jornada Xarxa Innovative Centers ICE UAB, AKOE "Escola de mestres" ...)
- Social networks: Florida Secundària has a profile on Facebook and Twitter: @FloridaSec
On FACEBOOK, the target group is mainly families. The Florida Secondary fan page was opened in October 2012 and currently has 641 fans and 625 followers. Taking into account the characteristics of the page, the number of fans is acceptable and it is worth mentioning that in recent years it has increased:
- December 2016: 579 fans
- May 2017: 620 fans
In TWITTER, the target group are mainly students. The Florida Secondary profile was opened in November 2012 and currently has 852 followers. Taking into account the characteristics of the page, the number of followers is acceptable and the followers increase satisfactorily each year:
- December 2016: 750 followers
- May 2017: 834 followers
Specifically, it is worth mentioning the use of specially designed tools for this project
- Etwinning space:
- Youtube channel: creativeteaching16
- Facebook:¬if_id=148448716661205
Article published in the school oficial webpage,, from FLORIDA SECUNDARIA (Catarroja, SPAIN) about the SONG CONTEST developed in the project in which Spanish team was the winner. We also publish this in the school on line paper.