Latvia: October 2022


    Latvia mobility

    2 - 8 October 2022

    What the plan says

    • Second year of plogging – the beginning of the competition
    • Twinspace upgrade – completion, modification, etc.
    • Cultural stereotypes in participating countries – preparation for subsequent activities (e.g. cookbooks, etc.)
    • Comparison of care in elderly care homes of participating countries
    • Summary and analysis of solutions emerging from measuring results of participating countries

    Working with cultural stereotypes serves as an icebreaker. On one hand, it deepens the feeling of being original, on the other hand reciprocality, as the presentation of stereotypes will be followed by activities which will be specified later. At the same time students will concentrate on typical cuisines and healthy life styles with the output of a cook book. In the following year the project will be most focused on application of the previously gained data. Methodology of evaluation data has already been set, therefore, the main output will be the list of tasks related to environmental improvement, as well as healthy life style, which will be the main effort of every school. All activities will be performed in cooperation with seniors who will continuously be implemented by school initiatives. These activities will subsequently be reflected in subjects focused on ecology, social sciences and physical education.

    The programme

    The draft programme for the week has been published. View or download it here:

    Latvia Programme 10-22.pdf