Liceul Mihail Sadoveanu Borca, judetul Neamt, Romania
The school from Borca is a school with tradition and reputation in Neamţ County, not only because in 2009 we celebrated 150 years since the establishment of the first public school in Borca, but also because many graduates became engineers, doctors, teachers, researchers , high-ranking soldiers, diplomats, poets, university professors, senior civil servants, even senators and deputies.
Today, "Mihail Sadoveanu" High School has 84 teaching norms, 1420 students and ensures schooling for all levels of education: preschool (139), primary (236), middle school (240), high school (696), SAM (41), post-secondary (62), being among the few high schools that survive in rural areas (according to PRAI - page 54, the number of school units in rural areas is decreasing).
Being the only high school in the N-V part of the county, approximately 65% of high school students come from neighboring communes. The key word in my school is "quality".