1. The students know the nationalities of their partners. To present them, they have to make puzzles build by their partners.
Theme: creation of puzzles
Main objective :
• Develop patience and reflection
Specific objective :
- Be able to create puzzles respecting: Instructions
The pupils will have to create photos with symbols of their countries, regions or territories and these will be transformed into a puzzle. The partner pupils will have to complete the puzzles and guess which country it was.
2. They evaluate the knowledges of their partners about their country in making a quiz.
3. They participate to a logo contest to choose the "official logo" of the project.
4. They write "a tale" to present their country, city and region.
5. Then, all the students of the partners schools make a LipDub to present their school and their workshops in video.
6. Finally, the students participate in a slogan writing contest to choose the "official slogan" of the project.