Activities program

  • eTwinning activities and mobility of the ERASMUS program



    PHASE1 2021/2022 ACTIVITIES

    Icebreaker by videoconferecing

    Present our country / region / city (In puzzle by jigsawplanet) 

    Present our country / region / city  (In quiz by Kahoot)

    Creation of a LOGO for the S2WRE project

    Creation of a SLOGAN for the S2WRE project

    Introduce yourself and your class ( In videoconference by Teams)


    PHASE2 2022/2023 ACTIVITIES

    Create a T-shirt with several logo on project

    Presenting your VET 

    Introduce yourself and your class (Google Maps , Kahoot and Thinglink Apps) 

    Discover the different methods of producing renewable energy (In quiz by Learning Apps, also by the Padlet and Genially) 

    Create 2 collaborative digital mag around visits and around the mobilities by Madmagz 

    Creation of plans, implantation, electric schemes, nomenclature and methodological resource book of a photovoltaic didactic system 

    Realization of miniature wind turbines from a Kit 

    Create videos of interviews with professional electricians

    Create the video of the 2 mobilities 

    Preparation of an exhibition on climate change and renewable energies view by electricians

    Create vocabulary interactive flashcards Electrical equipment for RE (PADLET,Quizlet) 

    Discuss RT210, RE2020 type regulations in order to compare country standards

    Creating a card game resembling DOBBLE on the tools of the electrician, the different installations and apparatus RE, means of production RE of electricity 

    Create 2 collaborative digital mag around visits and around the mobilities by Madmagz 

    Create videos of interviews with professional electricians 

    Create the video of the 3 mobilities 

    Creation of posters: S2WRE - my best memories by Genially

    Preparation of an exhibition on climate change and renewable energies view by electricians