Dissemination in France

  • Publication du lycée Pablo Neruda

    Publication of the Pablo Neruda high school


    LPN website - 01/10/2021

    LPN website - 01/10/2021


    Publication du lycée Pablo Neruda

    Publication of the Pablo Neruda high school


    LPN website - 15/10/2021


    Publication Pablo-Infos du lycée Pablo Neruda

    Publication of the Pablo Neruda high school Newsletter

    PABLO-INFOS N ° 08 - From Monday 15 to 19 November 2021

    Translate :


    On Thursday, November 25, an animation on renewable energies by "PLANETE OUI !" will take place in Salle Henri Fabre. Students of 1 CAP and 2 CAP ELECTRICIAN will be present from 10:10 am until 12 noon within the framework of the ERASMUS + projects.
    From 12:00 to 13:00 the animation will be open to all students and staff of the school.

    We hope lots of you come !


    Publication Pablo-Infos du lycée Pablo Neruda

    Publication of the Pablo Neruda high school Newsletter

    PABLO-INFOS N ° 12 - From Monday 13 to 17 December 2021

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    Week 50
    Monday 13 December 2021

    9:35 am to 10:00 am: ERASMUS+ S2WRE : 3rd Videoconference: LPN / ZSET / MSMTAL Acronyms of high schools Polish and Turkish.


    Publication Pablo-Infos du lycée Pablo Neruda

    Publication of the Pablo Neruda high school Newsletter

    PABLO-INFOS N ° 14 - From Monday 10 to 14 January 2022

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    Week 3

    Transnational meeting of the Erasmus project on Tuesday 18th, Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th of this week Presence of 3 Polish teachers and 3 Turkish teachers in the establishment.


    Publication du lycée Pablo Neruda

    Publication of the Pablo Neruda high school


    LPN website - 25/01/2022


    Publication dans le journal local : Dauphiné Libéré par le LPN

    Publication in the local newspaper: Dauphiné Libéré by the LPN


    ARTICLE N°1 - 25/01/2022

    Publication Pablo-Infos du lycée Pablo Neruda

    Publication of the Pablo Neruda high school Newsletter

    PABLO-INFOS N ° 19 - From Monday 28 February to Friday 4 March 2022

    Publication of the Pablo Neruda high school

    Pablo NERUDA High School Open Day (LPN)

    Saturday, March 05, 2022

    LPN website - 05/03/2022


    Publication Pablo-Infos du lycée Pablo Neruda

    Publication of the Pablo Neruda high school Newsletter

    PABLO-INFOS N ° 21 - From Monday 14 February to Friday 18 March 2022

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    Upcoming deadlines
    May 15 to 21: ERASMUS trip to Poland (5 CAP students + 3 teachers)


    Publication of the Pablo Neruda high school

    Pablo NERUDA High School - Logo contest (LPN)

    Monday, March 14, 2022

    LPN website - 14/03/2022


    Publication of the Grenoble Academy

    Monday, March 21, 2022



    Publication of the Smart Energy Systems Campus

    CMQE website - 21/03/2022