• This is a story about indians that we have been doing in our school.

    Here you can find the materials if you want to use it:)




    Ten Indians stood on the beach.
    Five Indians took the boat and went out to sea and fished.
    How many remained on the beach? (5)

    Two Indians at the beach jumped into the water and swam out to sea and climbed into the boat.
    How many are there now in the boat? (7)
    How many remained at the beach? (3)

    Suddenly a storm came and caused the boat to start rocking violently. All but one fell into the water.
    How many fell into the water? (6)

    But fortunately, all Indians wore life jackets so that they could swim to the beach.
    How many were they now on the beach? (9)

    Everyone shouted for the Indian in the boat to come home, because soon it would be dark. The Indian paddled ashore. How many were they now on the beach? (10)

    The Indians had caught five fish in the net.
    How should the Indians divide the fish so that everyone gets the same amount? (½)