
    "Två flickor i olika tider, men vars vägar korsas på ett oväntat sätt genom ett föremål. Allt börjar med att Julia får i uppgift att ta med sig en gammal sak till skolan. Tillbaka i 1790 års Karlskrona bor Hanna och hennes familj. De tillhör några av de första judar som fått bosätta sig i staden. Hannas pappa arbetar på segelduksfabriken. Men deras liv kommer att förändras en eftermiddag i mitten av juni. Berättelsen om Hanna och Julia är en spännande historia, som också kan användas i undervisningen. Genom bland annat den faktadel som finns med i boken inspirerar den till nya kunskaper om historia, 1700-talets Karlskrona och judisk historia i Sverige."


    "Two girls at different times, but whose paths cross in an unexpected way through an object. It all starts with Julia being given the task of bringing an old thing to school. Hanna and her family live back in 1790 Karlskrona. They are some of the first Jews to settle in the city. Hanna's father works at the canvas factory. But their lives will change one afternoon in mid-June. The story of Hanna and Julia is an exciting story, which can also be used in teaching. Through, among other things, the factual part included in the book, it inspires new knowledge about history, 18th-century Karlskrona and Jewish history in Sweden."




    In the work with tolerance, Rödebyskolan has enlisted the help of a book called "Hanna and Julia - in the footsteps of the fire".
    This book is written by our assistant principal at the school, which makes it a little extra interesting.
    The work on this book was suitable for middle school students.

    We have also talked about the word "tolerance" and what it means. About religions and cultures enriching us and making us grow. The students have many wise thoughts about this!