• LandscapeGate on the way

    This is how we have disseminated the project and final results. We have involved schools sharing results activities or inviting school communities to participate in.


    We have been disseminating our project since the beginning of it: on social networks, in our school and in our city. Articles were published in our local magazine "Comune di Loreto". Here is an example:

    Anyway, our school and local communities can also read about LandscapeGate on our website. Again, here an example:

    We have always kept informed the students and teachers not involved in the project by organising events like our Kahoot challenges with prizes for the winners, look at the following photos:

    We can also mention the School Open Days, where LandscapeGate was explained in detail:

    Information about LandscapeGate was always given on the school Facebook page:


    We are still disseminating. Look below and click on the link. We want our school community and people in general to know about  team 12 and their logo, which won the LandscapeGate contest


    We have also posted the link to read our LandscapeGate route portfolio, an international final product, which, according to us is really interesting and stunning.So, we'd like students, parents, teachers, staff, our headmistress, our local community  to know our it



    You can also read our ebook through our school site

    Last Saturday 7th May, we met our deputy Lord Mayor, Mr. Nazzareno Pighetti, in order to show him our project.

    On May 21st, another dissemination event took place right in our city centre. Margherita and Agnese explained in details LandscapeGate through their Cava presentation, which you can see by click the link below



    Watch our video about the important dissemination event, involving a meaningful action: planting an olive tree...right in the city center, always full of people, tourists and pilgrims. 

    And here is our post on the school Facebook Page



    From the very beginning, we shared news about our project on social media and on our school's website. You can find the links down.

    Click here!


    All long the project, we have shared results and activities with school community via "Albaida Brit" bilingual program official web site. In addition, we have informed about our participation in etwinning on the official website of IES MEDINA ALBAIDA school. In addition to that, Internationalization teachers' work group has been informed all long the school year about the project progress on the  regulars meetings. Finally, the most relevant activities have been shared on the Etwinning board at the main hall.

    Bilingüal program website Albaida Brit

    IES MEDINA ALBAIDA school website

    Etwinning/Erasmus+ board

    Teachers' assembly (27/04/22)

    IES Medina Albaida teachers' Assembly has been informed about the project landscapeGate at the end of the session about curriculum contents, timeline, foreign language and students age range.

    We also disseminated final project results on the bilingual program website (Albaida Brit) and on the Facebook Group Open Etwinning.

    And finally, we involved school community via twinboard. There, every school community member have the opportunity to discover the final product via QR code. In addition, we have enjoyed the final product at class, with students; we have a look on The Landscape portfolio enjoying the results and having a good time.