Quiz for the Poles


    Let's discover some information about the Poles by creating a quiz!

    Saving the Arctic

    National Geographic


    Each school creates one quiz with quizmaker/google forms.

    Schools have created these stunning questions that will help us to cooperate on the collaborative quiz.


    This is how IES Medina Albaida students (Spain) have created the question for the quiz! First, they got inspiration, after they created a collaborative quiz which has been shared with the school community. Finally, 3 questions have been chosen for taking part of the LandscapeGate quiz.


    At "Lorenzo Lotto" school, we have created a Kahoot

    and played with our school community in order "to spread the word"about cold places.



    Here is the link for our quiz


    You can see the results here.



    Each school will collaborate with up to 3 questions in this document. This questions will take part of a unique/one quiz creating, by this way a collaborative quiz.

    And finally the results! here our collaborative quiz made with kahoot. Enjoy!


    CODE: 09599369

    Here a new opportunity to play!


    CODE: 0886723


    Here is a video about Our Kahoot challenges, involving the collaborative one above, at "L. Lotto" school Italy


    And this how we have played kahoot! 1ºESO A-C students from IES MEDINA ALBAIDA school enjoy a lot learning about cold places


    We had a great time. It was really fun and educational.





  • What you can do to preserve the Arctic?

    Ayami (Spain)

    Not just because it's home to the iconic polar bear, and four million people, but also because it helps keep our world's climate in balance. Arctic sea ice acts as a huge white reflector at the top of the planet, bouncing some of the sun's rays back into space, helping keep the Earth at an even temperature.


    Reducing your carbon emissions and dependance on fossil fuels can help save the Artic.does not pollute the seas.Polar bears are so well insulated that they have to move slowly to avoid overheating.
    Polar bears are so well insulated that they have to move slowly to avoid overheating.
    Polar bears are so well insulated that they have to move slowly to avoid overheating.

    Lizara Serrano Chueca, Spain.

    We can help Arctic animals to adapt to a rapidly changing climate and reduce our carbon emissions.

    Marco Romeo, Spain.

    we must reduce carbon emissions and we must help the animals and we have to be more responsible when committing actions that can harm the poles because it is a very important part of the planet.

    Sara Sastre, Spain.

    We need to produce less polution for not do the rays of the sun reach too much the surface of the Earth and if that happenned, all the ice of the North Pole will melt and dissapered.


    we should reduce global warming throwing less trash and reducing consumption because only We can help to preserve the poles.

    Juan Escudero, SPAIN

    We can help the Artic avoiding things that causes the global warming or other envoirnement problem that destroy the Artic. We don't have to throw trush.

    Inés (Spain)

    I think we should use less the vehicles so that we don't contaminate , so there will be less climate change. If we do this, we will stop the Artic landscape from dissapearing.

    Rebeca Elena Fintoiu (SPAIN)

    We can try to help Artic animals with the changing climate, and reduce our carbon emissions :).

    David plana (Spain)

    we can stop poluting the air by stoping the producion of factories that polute since thats what started climate change and thats melting the artic we can also stop hunting animals there since some are in danger of extincion

    Martín Paniagua (Spain)

    We can reducing the carbon emissions and dependence on fossil fuels . Also we need to fight climate change and stop the rush to exploit Artic energy resources and we must to respect more the animals and be more responsible with one of the most important places of the planet.

    Simone Graciotti, Italy

    We must stop the climate change. Thanks to Agenda 2030 we can help have a better World in the future.

    Tosca Rubini Italy

    We can help the Arctic, we most reduce carbon emissions, and we have to fight for a sustainable community goal 15 and the others must be reached with in 2030

    Gabrielle Magi, Italy

    For to preserve the Arctic we can do a lot first of all we can follow the Agenda 2030 and its goals, in particular the ones linked to our environment.

    Agnese Ramazzotti, Italy

    We can preserve the Artic by reducing our carbon emissions, shopping greener at the supermarket and we can make our home energy efficient.

    Francesca (Italy)

    We can save it so: we can't pollute, we can reduce bad emission, we can promote green energy (it's safe and the best for our planet!). We can save the poles if we want it, it's our house too!

    Samuele B. Italy

    The Arctic is a vital place for us. Ice and snow must be kept so we have to protect this landscape.

    Michele Italy

    We can save the Artic, we mustn' t poliute it. It's essential for all the world

    Andrea (Italy )

    We can help the Artic it’s animals and climate by reducing carbon emission and dependance on fossil fuels.

    Samuel (ITALY)

    To preserve the Arctic, we must stop polluting the environment and we must recycle waste

    Sara Salisu, IES Medina Albaida, Spain

    Reducing carbon, not throwing and using plastic and reciclating

    Nyna, IES Medina Albaida (Spain)

    We musn't throw plastics to the grownd because later, this plastics go to the Arctic and contaminate this.

    Sahaja (Spain)

    Don´t melt the Ice (Avoid the pollution)

    Ahsen.a..gürgentepe (TURKEY)

    We can preserve the Artic by reducing our carbon emissions, shopping greener at the supermarket and we can make our home energy efficient.


    To protect the north pole, we must be more careful to prevent global warming. We should consider that the polar bear living there is in danger of extinction and we should act accordingly.

    Paula (Spain)

    We have to stop carbon emissions, because our planet, the Arctic and a lot of types of landscapes are in dangerous.

    Manu Fernández Munárriz (IES Medina Albaida, Spain)

    The climate change, or being more specific in this term, the Global Warming is a triggering of specific consequences that affect landscapes, biodiversity and probably the prosperity of the existence of the planet Earth. The principal causes of this is a lot of little things and together, make a BIG change in our lives. The most common and known consequences are deforestation, the excess of carbon dioxide, the rise of seas and oceans and other more. To try to make this progressive little and to make it disappear we need to take on renewable energies, the three R´s and probably procteting biodiversity. Sadly, this is still in progress because we dont have enough tecnology yet, but... Lets go we can do it together


    We can try first by saving the ice of the artic first, we musn't throw trash out of the trash can because what it afects the artic is the change of the climate so we must pollute as little as posible and save energy as much as possible and use renewable energy as we can.

    Ariadna (Spain)

    We can reduce our carbon emissions and the dependence of fossil fuels can help save the Arctic.❄️🏔️

    Beniamino Bravi Italy

    To preserve the arctic I would pollute less and I would try to make it understood to others.

    Utku Aras Ç. Turkey

    When I look at the subject in general, I first thought of preventing global warming, then if the glaciers melt one day, we can bring the animals there. Anyway, back to the question, some factories emit a lot of carbon dioxide around, in fact, these preventable green areas can be protected.


    To protect the north pole, we must be more careful to prevent global warming. We should consider that the polar bear living there is in danger of extinction and we should act accordingly.


    We should consider that the polar bears living there are endangered and act accordingly.

    Hiranur Ö. Turkey

    We must live by thinking and act accordingly.

    Rachele Italy

    We need to use less plastic

    Miguel Italy

    We have to recycle and upcycle. So, we can preserve the Arctic

    Caterina Italy

    I think we should use products which can be reused. She shoudn't use plastic

    Clara Italy

    We must recycle paper, glass, newspapers, cans, tins and so on. In this way, we can help protect the Arctic

    Leonilda Italy

    We must reduce emissions and we mustn't use too many natural resources