Mapping The Mediterranean Sea

  • Linked by The Mediterranean Sea

    The Mediterranean Sea create links between Africa, Asia and Europe. Search por an international partner, send it a message and choose 1 or 2 Mediterranean countries. Aflter that, explain why did you choose it on the Twinboard. Finally, locate it on this map.

    Don't forget to put your names and countries on the twinboard!



    Greece (Miriam, Spain- Paola, Italy)

    Greece is a little country located in the Mediterranean Sea. It has stunning natural landscapes and their beaches are well knowed.

    Ayami (Spain) and Rachele (Italy)

    Our favorite mediterranean landscape is the Italy mediterranean landscape.

    Egypt (Rebeca , IES Medina Albaida, Spain).

    the Arab Republic of Egypt, is a transcontinental country spanning the northeast corner of Africa and southwest corner of Asia by a land bridge formed by the Sinai Peninsula

    Paula (Spain) Francesca (Italy)

    Our favorite Mediterranean country is Spain because it is a beautifull place to live or to go in holidays. There are many different places, beaches, forests...

    Argentina (Rita, Spain)

    Our favorite mediterranian landscape is Argentina because I like their accent and their culture.

    Australia (Inés, IES Medina Albaida, Spain)

    The climate of Australia is my favourite because it is an Mediterranean climate and the fauna is very especial. Also the seasons are the contrary from Spain.

    South Africa (Spain, IES Medina Albaida, Manu)

    In some parts of this interesting and amazing country there is mediterranean climate. It has an amazing culture, gorgeus nature and very good food. My favorite

    Simone Graciotti (Italy) and Guillermo Palos (Spain)

    Our favourite mediterranean Country is Italy because there are beautiful museums and landscapes all over the Country.

    Francesca (Italy) Paula (Spain)

    Italy is a quite big country, with 60 milions of habitants. In Italy life is good. There are so many things that you can do. In Italy there is a lot of culture and beauty. Italy is gorgeous and magnificent.

    Italy (Tosca Italy MARTA JIMENO Spain)

    Our favourite Mediterranean country is Italy, because it’s fantastic and beautiful.

    Malta (Diego Imbacciarella Italy)

    My favourite country in the Mediterranean Sea is Malta because it has got brilliant beaches and a crystal sea.

    Italy (Matteo-Lorenzo Lotto-Italy)

    Our favorite country in the Mediterranean sea is Italy because it’s fantastic. Italy has got Unesco Heritage , for example: The Colosseum, Matera and Saint Peter’s in Rome

    Italy, Agnese Ramazzotti (Italy) and Elsa Stamp (Spain)

    Our favorite mediterranean country is Italy because it has beautiful places and there is a lot of art.

    Italy(Andrea” L.Lotto” italy)

    My favourite countrye in the Mediterranean sea is Italy,it has got great beaches,two fantastic islands and big mountains.It’s cities are interesting.

    Samuel (Italy)

    One of my favorite countries is Spain because there are many strange buildings and beautyful monuments.

    Cesare (Italy)

    My favorite Mediterraneo Country is Italy because there are many seaside sempre cafe and resturant where you can eat fish, pasta, meat and pizza.

    Italy, beniamino bravi

    Italy is a country in the Mediterian Sea.
    It’s beatiful.
    It’s got fantastic landescapes and natural ones.

    Simone Graccioti (Italy) and Guillermo Palos (Spain)

    Simone and I think We favourite mediterranean country is Italy.


    it is my favourite mediterranean country and it has beachs and goods temperatures.I LIKE SO MUCH

    Tosca-Italy and Marta-Spain

    Our favorite country of mediterranean sea is Spain and Italy, both are very beautiful.

    Greece (Lizara, Spain)

    I like this country because it has a lot of ancient history, whit a lot of gods. There are beatufil landscapes like Balos, Crete. I also like Athens because I like the Acropolis, the temple of olimpian Zeus and Lycabettus Hill.

    Italy (Sara, Spain)

    Italy is a beautifull Meditarranean country with lots of big, interesting citys. There are also jummy food. In Italy there are lots of incredible monuments of the romans and historian sides.

    Spain (Sahaja, Spain)

    I like Spain because I live there and its a mediterranean Country. The climate in summer is hot but in winter its mild.

    Spain (Nyna, Spain-Enrico, Italy)

    Our favorite countries of the Mediterranean sea are Spain and Italy, because are fantastic and we love the Mediterranean sea.

    Italy (Beniamino Bravi-Italy) and (Juan Escudero-Spain)

    We think that Italy is the best mediterranean country cause the buildings, beatiful cities and good food.

    Gabrielle (Italy) Ana (Spain)

    Spain is a country in the Mediterranean Sea. I love it because there are beatiful cities and wonderful beaches.

    Greece (Michele Carbonetti-Italy)

    Greece is a country of heroes as Achille and Ulisse. People in past believed in Zeus, Poseidon and Ade and so on believed.

    Greece :)

    My favourite mediterranean country is Greece , because the landscapes are so beautiful. I want to go one day :P

    Italy (Zehranur Köken) (Turkey)

    My favorite Mediterranean country is Italy.Because it has very natural and beautiful places .I whould like to go one day.

    Spain(Martín Panigua, Spain)

    Spain it's my favorite country of the mediterranean because it has a lot of good beaches and a very good food and also a very very good weather ,the landscapes of Spain are also beautiful

    Yağmur KILIÇ (Turkey)

    My favourite country is Malta. I really like the exotic atmosphere.

    Utku A. Ç., Hiranur Ö(Turkey),

    Turkey also has coast on Mediterranean sea. My favourite city is Antalya.

    Sude P, Ahsen A.,

    Our favourite Mediterranean country is Spain. We didn't go there but we want to go and see. We want to eat local food and see historic places.