Wild Canada

  • Canada's forest


    With over 347 million hectares (ha) of forest, Canada has 9% of the world’s forests. Forests dominate many Canadian landscapes, but cover only 38% of Canada’s land area. The forest area of Canada is stable, with less than half of 1% deforested since 1990. Although 77% of Canada’s forests are found in the boreal zone, 37% of Canada’s wood volume is found in our temperate forests. (Canada Government)

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  • What is deforestation? Why is it so dangerous?

    Sara Salisu, Spain.

    Deforestation is when they cut the trees in forests, is bad because they take us away the oxygen, and we can`t breath.

    Lizara, Spain.

    Deforestation is when humans cut down trees of forest, it is dangerous because trees give us oxygen and we need it for exist.

    Marco Romeo, Spain.

    We must to protect the forest for a more sostenible planet. Is very dangerous, because the forest are more important.
    We should not cut down trees because otherwise we favor deforestation

    Marta Jimeno (SPAIN)

    The deforestation is a big problem because the humans cut trees
    And the trees changes dioxide for oxygen. Stop the DEFORESTATION Preserve it

    Nyna (SPAIN)

    The deforestation is a problem because the people cut the trees and they make fire in the forest and they burn the trees.
    Is dangerous because there aren't so many forest because the humans cut the trees.

    Sara Sastre, Spain.

    Deforestation is when the humans cut down the trees of the forest for build new plces like citys, fields, towns, farms... It's dangerous because the trees give us oxygen for live and if they dissapered we will die.


    Because without them people and some animals could not live. Also apart with that we destroy the ecosystem.

    Juan Escudero, SPAIN

    The deforestation is very dangerous to the envoirnement because it destroys a lot of trees and the houses of the animals. If it's very big, it can deforest the 40% of the forest!


    The deforestation is when the humans cut down the trees too much.If the forests dessapears the animals that live there dessapear with them and there will be less plantas for clean the atmosphere air.

    Manuela Carrillo, spain.

    Because animals have to move to other places and they can die.

    Paula (Spain)

    Deforestation is when humans cut down more trees than we need. It is dangerous because they give us oxygen and we need it. If we cut all the trees and plants all living beings will die. We have to remember plants and trees are living being too.

    Simone Graciotti, Italy

    Deforestation is when we cut forest trees for commercial reasons. It's very dangerous because trees take us the oxygen for breathe.

    Paola Italy

    "Permanent removal of standing forests". This is the definition by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. This removal causes devastating problems like the loss of habitat, the increase of greenhouse gases as well as water in the atmosphere.

    Tosca Rubini Italy

    Deforestation is the clearing of trees.
    This problem is certainly man-made. One of the most dangerous effects of deforestation is the loss of plant and animal species due to their loss of habitat. Trees also help to control the water level in the atmosphere. In deforested areas, there is less water in the air Additional effects of deforestation include soil erosion and coastal

    Matteo Papini (Italy)

    Deforestation is one of the most serious problems on our planet , because no more oxygen arrives.The term deforestation means the feeling of trees for commercial reasons or to obtain new land to be used for agriculture and to urban epansion

    Agnese Ramazzotti, Italy

    Deforestation is when we cut down trees that give us oxygen we use to live.

    Gabrielle Magi, Italy

    Deforestation is when the number of tree felling exceeds that of regrowth. It's very dangerous because it composes, significantly decreasing the production of oxygen, one of the main factors of global warming.

    Samuele Baldoni Italy

    Deforestation is very important environmental problem because more treess are being cut than are growing. Deforestation is done for many reasasons: to have new land for agricolture, to have free land to build new cities, to have wood to burn or to have paper.

    Enrico Frontini Italy

    Deforestation is bad because it takes away the habitats of the animals living there, and also it causes landslides if we remove the trees that are anchored to the ground with their roots and it removes the trees which produce the oxygen.

    Francesca de Gennaro,Italy

    Deforestation is cutting trees down and kill them, it's dangerous because they're very important!!!

    Samuel (ITALY)

    Deforestation is when trees are cut down: this is bad because they produce oxygen thats makes us breathe

    Leonilda Prebibaj, Italy

    Deforestation is one of the most serious problems on our planet the tern deforestation , refers to the felling of trees for commercial reasons or to obtain new l’andrò for agriculture and urban expansion


    Deforestazione means cutting down many trees from a forest. It is very harmful to the world because trees produce oxygen for us and we cannot live without it.

    Margherita Giuggioloni, Italy

    Deforestation is the felling of trees for commercial purposes, but the latter are very important because plants help reduce carbon dioxide in the air.
    Destruction of trees reduces the natural absorption capacity of green house gases, accelerating global warming.

    Beniamino Bravi Italy

    Deforestation is the action of cutting wood for example for building.

    Miriam, Spain

    Deforestation is one of the biggest problem around the world. A big number of trees are cut down every day. The impact on biodiversity is enormous.

    David plana (Spain)

    deforestación is cutting down various trees in a forest for getting wood or clearing land to build other buildings must of them are factories that end up contanimaiting land
    its dangerousbeacuse the factoriees that are build cotaminate and athe lack of trees dosent help their case since the trees cant create more oxigen

    Martín Paniagua(Spain)

    The deforestation is very dangerous because it take away the oxigen that made the trees. The deforestation it's made by the human when they cut the trees or by a fire

    Rita Sopeña(Spain)

    The deforestation is dangerous because the trees give as oxigen and if we take out the forest and that is going to kill the anials and the people

    Andrés Álvarez, Spain, Medina Albaida

    For me, the deforestation is when the trees of the forest, cut down, fires...

    Deforestation-Manu Fernández Munárriz(IES Medina Albaida- Spain)

    Deforestation is a humanised activity where people cut trees (killing them) to get resources (wood for construction, paper, etc) it affect us in A LOT of things like the lose of biodiversity, desertification of landscapes, even the lack of oxygen can be one of the variety of things that can be caused by this. In my opinion, this activity should be really considered to be cancelled or not be really regular

    Michele Carbonetti Italy

    Deforestation is the felling of more trees than the number of trees planed.
    It is mainly due to commercial purposes such as the need to create new arable areas and for the use of wood as heating or as valuable wood.
    It is dangerous because it causes an increase in carbon dioxide causing greater global warming of the planet.

    Utku Aras Ç. Turkey

    Deforestation is simply the loss of trees. I think it is a very dangerous situation. Because when there are no trees, our air decreases. Our ability to prevent deep soil crevices and floods slows down.

    Caterina Zallocco,italy

    Deforestazione Is the culling of tree. Trees are very important because they prouduce oxygen.

    Hiranur Ö. Turkey

    Deforestation means the loss of trees.The reason why it is dangerous can cause negative factors such as climate change and loss of biodiversity for humans and the planet.

    Sudenaz P. (Turkey)

    Deforestation causes loss of trees. It is dangerous because it causes negative factors such as climate change.

    Zehra.K. Turkey

    Deforestation is bad because it takes away the habitats of the animals living there, and also it causes landslides if we remove the trees that are anchored to the ground with their roots and it removes the trees which produce the oxygen.

    Yağmur Kılıç (Turkey)

    Destroying a forest is stabbing our Mother earth from the back. Forests are our natural habitatas. We need them.


    Deforestation is when the number of tree felling exceeds that of regrowth. It's very dangereous because it composes, significantly decreasing the production of oxygen, on of the main factors of global varming.

    Çiğdem Ebrar TURKEY

    Forests are disappearing. People are cutting trees. Forest fires are on the rise. If the forests are destroyed, many animals will perish and become homeless. Let's act consciously and not let the forests disappear.