Make a living


    Knowed as the "Princes of the Desert" they are a nomadic traditional people from the  North  of Africa:

    The Tuareg inhabit the Saharan regions of North Africa - Niger, Mali, Libya, Algeria and Burkina Faso. Tuareg is an Arabic term meaning abandoned by God. They call themselves Imohag, translated as free men. No one knows the true origin of the Tuareg, where they came from or when they arrived in the Sahara. Reputedly of Berber descent, the language of the Tuareg is Tamachek, with their own script known as Tifinagh, thought to have ancient Libyan roots. Their numbers are unclear, but estimates run between 300,000 and 1 million. The Tuareg were recorded by the Greek historian Herodotus in the 5th Century BC. (

    They live in the desert, a real complicated place to make a living. Nevertheless, they managed to adapt themselves to this natural landscape. Let's try to understand how the survive and how they take of the desert with the support of a research work and a digital presentation. Some links to get inspiration:

    Bradshaw foundation, Everyculture, Who are the Tuareg?

    ITALY -Location and language

    FRANCE -Food and traditions

    TURKEY Family life and cultural heritage

    Yağmur KILIÇ (Gürgentepe Şehit Ersin Şanlı IHO)

    SPAIN -  Living conditions

    This is how we introduced the activity at IES MEDINA ALBAIDA. We also take advante of it for spreading the results.