1. Survey 2: Are you social media smart ?

  • Are you social media smart ?

    The results




    French students answering survey 2


    Italian Students from Valmontone while taking survey 2
    Classes 3A-3C


    Ilion's students in Greece answered the survey (21-23 March 2022)


  • Please add your questions here for survey 2

    Laima Kurauskienė/ Lithuania

    How many accounts do you have?
    What's your favourite app?
    Does social media help you to study better?
    Is social media useful for remote learning?
    Do you accept your parents' and teachers' ,,friendship" on Facebook or other sites?

    Almassira Alkhadra high school- Morocco

    Do you post personal contact information on social media?
    1. Yes
    2. No

    Do you post pictures of others without their permission?
    1. Always
    2. Usually
    3. Sometimes
    4. Never

    Given the fact that the Internet never forgets, do you scrutinize any data or info being linked to your media accounts?
    1. I do
    2. I don’t

    Do you have breaks from the internet to interact in the real world and with offline contacts?
    5. Always
    6. Usually
    7. Sometimes
    8. Never

    Colegiul National Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Galati, Romania

    Are you social media smart- questions

    Anastasia Spagnuolo- Valmontone team 3A students

    A. What do you use your mobile phone for?
    -Taking photographs
    -Making videos
    -Listening to my favourite music

    B. How do you prefer communicating with your friends? By…..
    • Email
    • Letters/cards
    • SMS
    • Social Network
    • Speaking face-to-face
    • Telephone

    Anastasia Spagnuolo- Valmontone team 3C students

    A. When you are on a social network, what do you do?
    -Read and comment your friends’ links
    -Share links that you like
    -Write your own feelings and ideas
    -Look for and download music or scenes of films to share with your friends
    -Tag your friends

    B. How old do you have to be to create a WhatsApp account in Europe?

    • 8-13
    • 13+
    • 16

    Primary School Josip Antun Ćolnić, CROATIA

    Are you social media smart?
    1. Do you accept strangers in your account just to get more followers? Yes/ No

    2. Do you prefer texting through sms or viber/whatsapp?

    3. How useful is social media for learning?
    -not useful
    -slightly useful
    -very useful

    4. How often do you use the chat app on your social media accounts?
    -all the time

    5. How often do you check who is following you or who you have on social media?
    -Every week
    -Every month
    -When I have time

    6. Do you allow everyone to follow you on social media or do you check who they are and do you know them?
    -I allow everyone
    -I allow just to people I know
    -I check and then aprove it

    7. How many social networks do you have?
    a) 1
    c) 4+

    8. Are you responsible for time limit on your phone?
    b) no
    c) sometimes

    Mrs Laintila team 3B I.C. Oreste Giorgi, Valmontone Italy

    1.Do you think social network is safe??
    _it depends on the user

    2.Do you think you can make TRUE friends on social media?

    3.Do you ever use social media to buy/sell something?

    Team Germany

    1 - How often do you post pictures on social media?
    2 - Do you criticize others anonymously?
    3 - Do you think social media has a bad influence (on you)?
    4 - How much time do you spend on social media every day?
    5 - Have you ever been cyberbullied?
    6 - Do you talk about social media, its advantages and disadvantages in lessons at school?

    Selman gökarık. Yavuz Bahadıroğlu AİHL. Turkiye.

    1- What are the reasons to use the Net?
    a) Study
    b) Watch series
    c) Play online games
    d) Others ( specify)

    2) Social Media remind me ....
    a) Fun
    b) Communication
    c) Sharing
    d) Other

    3- Do you any personal blog ?

    Elif Gökarık Piri Reis Ortaokulu Ataşehir İstanbul Türkiye

    1- Do you make money by your social media accounts?
    Yes. it is about.....
    In the future.Why not?

    2- Do you follow some pages for buying free things?

    3- Do you believe the commercials on social media related to you earned money?
    Definitely Yes.
    Absolutely not

    3- Have you won a present on social media? If yes, what is it?

    4- What purposes do you use your social media account?
    a) For professional use
    b) For academic studies
    c) Leisure time activites
    d) Others

    Collège Joseph Calvet , Saint-Paul de Fenouillet FRANCE

    1.Have you ever lied about your age to have access to a platform ?
    2.Do you think your password is strong enough?
    3. Do you sometimes post personal information on social media? ( address, phone number ..)
    4.Have you ever forwarded a friend's photo or video without his / her permission ?
    5.How long do you spend on social media apps everyday ? - no time at all - - less than an hour - 2 or 3 hours - more
    6. Do you think the time you spend on social media has a negative impact on your school results ? Yes/ no/ maybe

    11th Junior High School of Ilion, Greece

    1. Do you check the content of a friend's post carefully before reacting with a "like"? a) never b)most of the time c) always
    2. Do you check the copyright of the photos you use in your socila media posts? a) never b)most of the time c) always
    3. Do you crosscheck the news that you share on social media? a) never b)most of the time c) always
    4. Do you know which of the data are requested from web sites are classified as personal data? a) Absolutely yes! b) i am not sure c)not really


    1) What is the most popular social media platform?
    A. Instagram
    B. Facebook
    C. Twitter
    D. Snapchat
    E. WhatsApp
    F. Tik Tok

    2. What do you post on social media?
    A. videos
    B. photos
    C. personal stories
    D. birthday wishes
    E. fun facts

    Link to survey
    Elif Gökarık Piri Reis Ortaokulu Ataşehir İstanbul Türkiye

    Answering survey questions in class

    Selman gökarık. Yavuz Bahadıroğlu AİHL. Turkiye.

    Answering survey questions

    Selman gökarık. Yavuz Bahadıroğlu AİHL. Turkiye.

    Are you social media smart?