
  • Teachers' introduction

  • Teachers' introduction

    Laima Kurauskienė, Lithuania

    Hello. I am an English teacher from Lithuania. I am 45 years old and I've been working at M. Slančiauskas progymnasium for 22 years. My students are 7-14 years old. I'm keen on travelling, music, movies and books. Our school is in a small town- Joniškis. It's in the North of Lithuania. We've got 400 students and 36 teachers. Our school community is creative, friendly and kind. We participate in eTwinning projects for more than 10 years. I hope, we will become friends.

    Yubinn Hong (Seoul, South Korea)

    Hi! I am Yunbinn from Seoul, South Korea. I teach English and I am really interested in education for sustainable development and global citizenship. That's why every single project that my students work on this journey means a lot to us. Since COVID 19, my students still take turns to get to school. At this moment we can have up to two thirds of students, which means that students take turns to get to school. Although things are not easy for every one, I am so glad to join this project with all the wonderful partners around the world. : )

    Anabela Quadrado, Vila Viçosa, Portugal

    Hello to all! I am a Natural Science, Biology and Geology teacher in a High School in Vila Viçosa Portugal. I am coordinator of the Department of Mathematics and Experimental Sciences and I do teachers trainning. I have a degree in Biology and Geology (teaching) and a master degree in Education. I am also a Scientix Ambassador. My students are between 12-18 years old. I teach in my school for more than 20 years. I love to travel and have new experiences and I am also in the Erasmus+ team. I hope we can all work well together.

    Anastasia Spagnuolo- IC Oreste Giorgi Valmontone (Italy)

    Hello to old and new partners!!!
    I’m Anastasia, I teach English in a junior secondary school in Valmontone (about 40 km south of Rome, Italy). My students are aged 11-14 and I’m sure they will be eager to get in touch with new European friends and celebrate together international days and share positive values and ideas for a better world. I am happy to collaborate with you all and I firmly believe that Etwinning is a fantastic opportunity for students and teachers to make new and exciting experiences. I can't wait to start this new adventure!!!
    Thank you for inviting me❤❤
    All the best

    Charlotte Rørbøl

    I am headmaster for secondary school at Baltorpskolen i Ballerup, in the Copenhagen area. We have students from 6-16 and they have many different cultural backgrounds. Before becoming headmaster, I was teaching at Langelinieskolen, my subjects being Language, History and Geography. We are more headmasters in the school, so there is also headmasters for the younger students and special needs. My school has an international profile and we like to have close cooperation with the local companies

    Lana Matijaković, Croatia

    Hi! My name is Lana Matijaković and I teach English and German as foreign languages in the primary school Josip Antun Ćolnić in Croatia. This year I teach three different classes: fisrt graders (they take up all my energy)- 6-7 years old, seven graders- 13 years old, eight graders- 14 years old. The last group mentioned is the one in this project. I am interested in music, reading and making my teaching more interesting. I also have a PhD in cognitive linguistics. This is my third year with some of you and you have taught me a lot. I'm looking forward to learning from you again!

    Patrick Schmitz (Nideggen, Germany)

    Hi, my name is Patrick, I am 35 years old and I work at Sekundarschule Kreuzau/Nideggen (in Nideggen), where I teach the subjects English and History mainly. I have my own, new class 5. I am currently writing my doctoral thesis (in my limited free time) about the worlds of fantasy literature. I was born in Aachen, which many know due to Charlemagne, and live close by, but every workday, I drive to Nideggen, because I like the school, kids and - of course - the green Eifel region. Apart from that I like cooking, yoga (my two strategies to not go nuts during lockdown and stressful periods), travelling (especially in GB and Scandinavia) and gardening. I have never done anything big on eTwinning before (apart from some LEs). I am looking forward to establishing some ties to other schools and colleagues.

    Elif Gökarık ( İstanbul, Türkiye )

    Hi! My name is Elif. I am 32 years old. I really like sports such as skiing and cycling. Travelling, discovering new places and trying something new my favourites. For 10 years I have been teaching English in İstanbul, Türkiye. This is my second year in my new school Piri Reis Ortaokulu. It is located in Ataşehir. I really like to teach. Like some of you I have been going to school since I was 6. with a bit changes :) eTwinning projects are like oxygen masks because education system can be monotone sometime.. Projects make the students excited and eager to use language skills in everyday life. I’d like to use different kinda teaching styles&methods and to know new people and get in touch with my colleagues. A key word creativity that broaden my horizon also provides an opportunity to be a lifelong learner.

    Agnieszka Muszer, Poland

    Hello. I am an English teacher from Poland. My school is an a small town Łaziska Górne in the south of Poland. The school isn't very big, there about 250 students from 7 to 14 years old. I have been a teacher there for over 20 years. My students are 10 to 14 years old however before the change in education system a few years ago I taught a bit older students. I am still getting used to teaching so young students. This is my second eTwinning project and I believe it will be a great adventure for me and my students. We are all very excited! Privately I love travelling, meeting people from different countries, reading books and watching films.

    Meritxell Roquet

    Hi everyone! I'm Meritxell, from Spain. I'm an English teacher in Palafrugell, Spain. I've been teaching for quite a long time now. I teach students from 14 to 18 years old. This is the first time I participate in an Etwinning project and I'm very excited about it! I hope I can learn a lot from you all! I hope this is the beginning of future collaborations.
    My school is pretty big, there are about 900 students and 120 teachers. We try to keep up to new tecnologies, we are a green school (we try to fight against global warming) and we are friendly and open to new ideas that can help our students grow and be ready for their future.

    Slovakia: Základná škola Michala Tareka Abrahám

    teacher introduction

    Mariana Gaiu


    Hello! I am from Galați, a town in the south-east of Romania, a town situated by the Danube River. I teach at Colegiul Național Alexandru Ioan Cuza, one of the best schools in our city. I have been teaching English for quite a while, for 23 years, and I like doing it. Our school is a big one, there are more than 900 students, aged 6 to 18 years old -primary school, secondary school and highschool students. I teach all age groups, which can be quite challenging. I have worked with some of you before, I think this is the fourth project together, and all projects have been successful. I look forward to a new learning adventure.

    Tarja Leena Laintila, IC Oreste Giorgi, Valmontone, Italy

    Hello! I'm Tarja, Anastasia's colleague from Valmontone. I'm very happy to start working on this project, I'll take part in it with two classes of mine (3rd middle school graders), the pupils are aged 13-14. I wish everyone a happy and safe school year!

    Zaina Smare, Morocco

    Hello, My name is Zaina Smare. I am a high school teacher of English. I am also a Ph.D. student. I am working on children’s creative thinking in languages classrooms. I have been teaching since 2011. I teach in the South of Morocco in a small town called Massa. This town is well-known for its beautiful beaches, landscapes and argan trees and the rare Northern bald ibis. Our school was built in 1974. It includes both middle school and high school. We have around 1,600 students and 84 teachers. This is our 5th year in eTwinning project. We learnt a lot from our partners, and we enjoyed every single project we worked on. I am so happy to join this project with all the hardworking and amazing partners around the globe.

    Hello from U.S.A.

    Hello Friends and Partners:
    I am excited to share a 2nd year with you. I am looking forward to all upcoming activities. Sorry to join late due to changing schools. I am now at a virtual academy, call City of Angels #6 (meaning that there are a total of 6 academies K-12) I teach virtually (fully Online) to 8th graders (13years of age). Currently I am teaching all the subjects (English, Art, History, Math & Science). I work for one of the largest school districts in Los Angeles, California since 1997. Some of my earlier years were spent as a teacher assistant and then becoming a teacher to different grade levels. Besides having a B.A. in Communication Studies, I have a M.A. in Art and credentials in Art, English & Fashion and Interior design

    Athina from GREECE

    Hello! I have been teaching English for 15 years at a private school in Athens. My pupils are 12 to 15 years old. I can't imagine my lessons without ETwinning and I try to motivate my students to be very active in eTwinning projects! I love working on e-twinning projects because I learn new techniques, approaches, skills, web tools and meet new colleagues from different countries-that brings a new dimension to my teaching career. I wish all of you a successful and happy school year.