Team work SPAIN

  • Link to collaborative google slide

    Team work Spain

    The list of team members will be uploaded as soon as the google sheet document is completed by all .

    Inès                 France
    Eloïse               France
    Austé               Lithuania
    Greta               Lithuania 
    Luana              Portugal
    Agapi               Greece ( Arsakeio)
    Anastasia G     Greece ( Arsakeio)
    Alexander        Greece ( Arsakeio)
    Sara C              Croatia 
    Fabian             Germany
    Ilinca            Romania
    Eunsoo            Korea
    Mattia               Italy 3A
    Michelangelo  Italy 3A
    Gabriele           Italy 3A
    NisaBahar        Turkey ( Piri Reis)
    Alihan               Turkey ( Yab Aihl)
    Prodromos      Greece ( Ilion C2a)
     Kostas             Greece ( Ilion C2a)
     Giorgos           Greece ( Ilion C2a)
    Iman              Morocco
    Alessia, Francesca, Krystal (3D)  Italy

    Paulina             Poland

    Magda              Poland

    Jourdyn           USA

    Yovani             USA (Chicago, IL)


    Each team member chooses one or two topics among those proposed in the chart below . (You can suggest other ones if you want ) .


    Task Distribution


         topics   1.2.or 3  Students  in charge   
    flag / motto / anthem / currency /emblems NisaBahar (TR)
    capital city  Greta (Lithuania)
    Location / population  map in Europe, in the world  Austė (Lithuania)
    Typical food , traditional breakfast, recipes Fabian (GER)
    Products of the country  Iman, Almassira Alkhadra, Morocco
    National sport or champion 

    Mattia, Michelangelo, Gabriele (class 3A Valmontone IT)

    Famous places,cities , monuments to visit 

    Prodromos, Giorgos, Kostas (GR-Ilion, C2a)
    Famous people ( writer, poet, singer, actress, philosopher .........) Paulina, Magda (Poland)
    Greetings; Welcome, hello, good bye , thank you Sara Crnoja (Croatia)
    History ( important dates) Jourdyn USA
    Interesting facts about Spain Ilinca (Romania) Eunsoo (Korea)

    Eloîse, Inès ( france)

    symbol of spain (bull etc)  AGapi (ARsakeio GREECE)
    Fun facts about Spain Anastasia G, Alexander(Arsakeio Greece)
  • Team work Spain

    Link to collaborative google slide

    For those who want to use it. For the others , please upload you works on the twinboard ( photos, ppt, video..) They will be added to the common google slide at the end.

    Spain by Jourdyn/ City of Angels VA#6 U.S.A.

    I just want to start by saying that I learned a lot about Spain. I couldn’t put everything into this presentation but Spain’s celebrations and history is very compelling. I have watched videos and seen pictures and Spain looks so beautiful. I fell in love with the architecture just from seeing pictures I can’t even imagine how beautiful it is in person. I also really want to try Paella Valenciana, a famous dish from Spain. One day I would really love to visit and I can’t even pick a specific city. I just want to see it all and I already have lists of things to see and foods to try.