4. Binary Coding together

  • Binary coding together


    To celebrate together Europe Code Week , you can register on the website https://codeweek.eu/ . 

    Please share the photos of your students doing the coding activities in the twinboard below .( learning about binary code , creating coded pictures or  coded words )

    There is a forum thread dedicated to this activity where your students can upload their 'crack the code' suggestions' and exchange ideas with other partners .




  • Binary coding in class

    Primary School Josip Antun Ćolnić, CROATIA
    Elif Gökarık Piri Reis Ortaokulu Ataşehir İstanbul Türkiye

    Binary Code Activity in Class

    Yavuz Bahadıroğlu AİHL SELMAN GÖKARIK

    students have learned what coding is and my beginner students having good time while doing it :)

    Elif Gökarık Piri Reis Ortaokulu Ataşehir İstanbul Türkiye

    Codeweek Awareness on social media

    Elif Gökarık Piri Reis Ortaokulu Ataşehir İstanbul Türkiye

    Codeweek Activities

    Collège Joseph Calvet , Saint-Paul de Fenouillet FRANCE

    Coding activities

    Collège Joseph Calvet , Saint-Paul de Fenouillet FRANCE

    cracking the Greek code

    Collège Joseph Calvet , Saint-Paul de Fenouillet FRANCE

    Creating a binary crack the code game

    Collège Joseph Calvet , Saint-Paul de Fenouillet FRANCE

    carcking the code

    Collège Joseph Calvet , Saint-Paul de Fenouillet FRANCE

    French inscription approved

    Elif Gökarık Piri Reis Ortaokulu Ataşehir İstanbul Türkiye

    Crack the code activity by students

    Colegiul National Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Galati, Romania

    Code Week Activities

    Elif Gökarık Piri Reis Ortaokulu Ataşehir İstanbul Türkiye

    Mehmet efe

    Elif Gökarık Piri Reis Ortaokulu Ataşehir İstanbul Türkiye

    Crack the code by Nisabahar 7K

    Collège Joseph Calvet , Saint-Paul de Fenouillet FRANCE

    cracking codes created by Romanian, Turkish, Greek and Croatian students

    Collège Joseph Calvet , Saint-Paul de Fenouillet FRANCE

    cracking codes created by other students

    Can you crack our code?

    Created by Emma and Mariangela 3B, Valmontone team

    Can you crack our code?

    Created by: Annarita and Alex

    Anastasia Spagnuolo- IC Oreste Giorgi Valmontone (Italy)

    EU Code Week challenge 9-24 October
    My students uploaded their "crack the code activities" in the forum thread. It was fun and inspiring to join this activity.
    Valmontone team Classes 3A-3C

    Anastasia Spagnuolo- IC Oreste Giorgi Valmontone (Italy)

    Cross curricular activities:
    Math (Binary Code), Social Studies (about feelings and emotions) and English (students used binary codes and ASCII Alphabet to share, in the forum thread, their feelings and emotions to all project partners. They also cracked some of their partners' secret words and images.

    Anastasia Spagnuolo- IC Oreste Giorgi Valmontone (Italy)

    Our certificates!!!

    Tarja Laintila IC Oreste Giorgi Valmontone Italy

    Coding activities in classes 3b/d

    Tarja Leena Laintila, IC Oreste Giorgi, Valmontone, Italy

    Can you crack the codes? by class 3d


    Code Week activity


    CODE WEEK ACTIVITY we registered our activity

    Elif Gökarık Piri Reis Ortaokulu Ataşehir İstanbul Türkiye

    Certificate of CodeWeek

    Agnieszka Muszer, Szkoła Podstawowa nr 3 im. Mikołaja Kopernika, Łaziska Górne, Poland

    Code week certificate

    Agnieszka Muszer, Szkoła Podstawowa nr 3 im. Mikołaja Kopernika, Łaziska Górne, Poland

    Cracking the code fun

    Elif Gökarık Piri Reis Ortaokulu Ataşehir İstanbul Türkiye

    The CodeWeek Certificates

    Elif Gökarık Piri Reis Ortaokulu Ataşehir İstanbul Türkiye

    The CodeWeek Cerificates

    Link to forum
    Binary coding Slovak team


    Slovakia: Základná škola Michala Tareka Abrahám

    Binary coding week certificate

    Colegiul National Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Galati, Romania

    Code Week

    11th Junior High School of Ilion, Greece


    11th Junior High School of Ilion, Greece
    11th Junior High School of Ilion, Greece

    Activity added in EU Code Week Map

    Colegiul National Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Galati, Romania

    Certificate of Excellence- Code Week

    Selman gökarık. Yavuz Bahadıroğlu AİHL. Turkiye.

    Codeweek certificates

    Selman gökarık. Yavuz Bahadıroğlu AİHL. Turkiye.

    Codeweek Certificates

    Slovakia: Základná škola Michala Tareka Abrahám

    Binary coding in Slovakia: Tomas broke the code

    Slovak team

    Slovak team really enjoyed the binary coding week.