Team work FRANCE


    Team work France


    The list of team members will be uploaded as soon as the google sheet document is completed by all .


    Elena                          Croatia                               Oriol           Spain
    Maria Carolina           Portugal                             Halley        Spain
    John S                        Greece ( Arsakeio)           Mateusz      Poland
    Eli                               Greece ( Arsakeio)            Kristina      Slovakia
    Panagiotis                  Greece ( Arsakeio)           Laura          Slovakia    
    Jordan                        Germany                           JOHN k (GREECE ARSAKEIO) 
    Cristiana                     Romania
    Méja                            Lithuania
    Yubin                           Korea
    Marta M                       Italy 3A
    Viola                            Italy 3A
    Martina                        Italy 3A
    Hande                         Turkey ( Piri Reis)
    Sefa                            Turkey ( Yab Aihl)
    Basilis                       Greece ( Ilion, C4b)
    Marios                       Greece ( Ilion C4b)
    Amedeo, Filippo, Gabriele (3B)   Italy

    Fatima                       Morocco

    Jaylene                 USA
    Cristina                 USA (Chicago, IL)
    Diego                    USA (Chicago, IL)
    Gerardo                USA (Chicago, IL)
    Belisario               USA (Chicago, IL)


    Each team member chooses one or two topics among those proposed in the chart below . (You can suggest other ones if you want ) .


    Task Distribution



         topics   1.2.or 3  Students  in charge   
    flag / motto / anthem / currency /emblems Jordan (GER)
    capital city  Fatima, Almassira Alkhdra, Morocco
    Location / population  map in Europe, in the world  Marta M., Viola, Martina 3A (Valmontone IT)
    Typical food , traditional breakfast, recipes


    Basilis, Marios (GR, Ilion, C4b) 

    Yubin (Korea)

    Products of the country  Jaylene (USA)
    National sport or champion  Mateusz (Poland)

    Famous places,cities , monuments to visit 

    Mėja (Lithuania)
    Famous people ( writer, poet, singer, actress, philosopher .........) Elena (Croatia)
    Greetings; Welcome, hello, good bye , thank you Cristiana (Romania)
    History ( important dates) French Revolution : Gabriele, Filippo, Amedeo class 3B (Valmontone, Italy)
    Amusement parks Halley, Oriol (Sp)
    French symbols (The gallic rooster)  John K and John S  (Arsakeio GREECE) 
    French fashion Kika and Laurika from Slovakia
    Fun facts about France Elli, Panagiotis (Arsakeio Greece)
  • Team work France

    Link to collaborative google slide

    For those who want to use it, the other works ( photos, ppt, video) can be added in the twinboard and will be added to the googe slide at the end

    France by Jaylene @ City of Angels VA#6 U.SA.

    To begin with, I was assigned France to research. Moreover I didn’t know anything about France and I was happy that I got it. I learned a lot about France like country foods and Traditions.

    merry christmas in french

    postcard in French

    11th Junior High School of Ilion, Greece

    Working on the French slides-traditional plates

    11th Junior High School of Ilion, Greece

    Ilion's team working place before joining the internationally collaborative google slide

    11th Junior High School of Ilion, Greece

    C4 working on the slides