2. Survey 1 : How international are you ?




    Ilion's team adding questions on the twinboard -25 October 2021

    and answering the survey

    Team from Valmontone (class 3C) writes questions for our 1St survey


    (Valmontone team 3A-3C)


    French students answering survey 1



    Class 3D (Valmontone team) answered the survey questions

  • How international are you ? Please suggest your questions for survey 1 here

    Lithuania/ Laima

    1. How many countries have you been to? 2. How many languages do you speak? 3. How many flags can you draw?

    Almassira Alkhadra High School, Morocco

    Do you have any foriegn friends ?
    1. A lot
    2. Many
    3. A few
    4. None

    Do you listen to foreign music?
    1. All the tile
    2. Sometimes
    3. Rarely
    4. Never

    Have you ever had vacation outside of your country?
    1. Yes
    2. No

    How often do you watch foreign films?
    1. All the tile
    2. Sometimes
    3. Rarely
    4. Never

    Základná škola M.Tareka Abrahám Slovakia

    How international are you ? Our questions:

    1.How many forgein languages do you learn at your school?
    2.How many forgein flags do you know?
    3.Do you have friends from forgein countries?
    4.Does anybody from your family speak a foreign language?
    5. Do you think that you you are good at Geography?
    6. What is your favourite flag of the forgein country ?
    7. What is your favourite forgein country anthem?
    8. Do you like to speak to forgeiners using the English language?
    9. What is your favourite, "dream" forgein country ?

    Class 3B I.C. Oreste Giorgi, Valmontone Italy

    These are our questions for the survey:
    1_Do you like foreign food?
    2_Have you got a passport?
    3_What country would you like to visit?
    4_Would you like to live abroad?
    5_Have you got relatives living abroad?

    11th Junior High School of Ilion, Greece

    1. Do you prefer local food or trying foreign countries cousine?
    2. What would be your choice of a restaurant?
    a. Local food
    b. french
    c. germans
    d. turkish-greek
    e. korean
    f. american
    g. marokish

    3. Can you cook a foreign recipe?

    Collège Joseph Calvet , Saint-Paul de Fenouillet FRANCE

    1. Have you ever travelled outside pf the EU ?
    2. Which other language(s) would you like to learn?
    3. Is your mother tongue different from your country official language(s) ?
    4.For you, learning English is
    a) essential in our global world
    b) useless
    5. Do you sometimes read books in their original version ?

    Primary School Josip Antun Ćolnić, CROATIA

    1. How many languages do you speak?
    2. Have you go any relatives/ friends from other countries?
    3. Have you ever been abroad? If yes, where?

    Class 3C I.C Oreste Giorgi, Valmontone Italy

    - Which European languages do you speak well?

    1. English
    2. Spanish
    3. French
    4. German
    5. Italian
    6. Other

    Class 3C IC Oreste Giorgi Valmontone Italy

    How often do you travel abroad?
    1. Often
    2. Sometimes
    3. Never

    Colegiul National Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Galati, Romania

    How International are You?

    Elif Gökarık Piri Reis Ortaokulu Ataşehir İstanbul Türkiye

    Preparing Survey Questions

    Elif Gökarık Piri Reis Ortaokulu Ataşehir İstanbul Türkiye

    How international are you? Survey questions

    1- If you were a country which one would you be?

    2- If you have a chance to teleport just once, where would you go and visit?

    3- What would you do if you were given a chance to do what ever you want?
    a) speak all languages
    b) not to gain weight whatever you eat
    c) be wealthy
    d) a day full of happiness

    4- Have you ever eaten Thai food?

    5- Would you go out with someone who doesnt share a common language with you?

    a) Nope. it would never work
    b) I'd find it difficult
    c) Body language? No way.
    d) why not? we can learn one another's language soon.

    6- How often do you follow international news in the media?

    a) Often!
    b) Regularly!
    c) Almost never!
    d) Occasionally!

    Ins Baix Empordà, Spain

    1.Do you watch any youtuber/influencer from other countries?
    2. Do you like to learn languages?
    4 Do you like to travel by plane?

    I don’t know, I’ve never flown before
    5. Do you like to learn about other cultures?
    a lot
    6 Do you speak more than two languages?
    7.Are you scared of travelling by plane?
    8.Would you like to have any friends in other countries?
    9.How many times have you travelled abroad?
    10. Do you listen to music in another language that is not the one of your country?


    How willing are you to try new things, hear new ideas and have new experiences?
    A. Not at all . I find it hard to accept new things.
    B. I’m somewhat willing to give new things a try, depending on what they are.
    C. I’m absolutely willing to experience anything new.

    It’s your birthday and your friends surprise you with a trip to a place you’ve never heard of! How do you feel?
    A. Anxious and worried because I won’t know anyone or know how to get around.
    B. A little nervous – but also excited.
    C. SO excited ! It’s the perfect surprise and I’m ready to pack as soon as they tell me we’re going!


    Do you enjoy trying new foods and having new adventures?
    A. I like what I’m used to. Why would I want anything different?
    B. Depending on what it is, I might try it.
    C. I jump at every opportunity to try new foods, meet new friends and visit new places; and I don’t mind doing those things alone.

    How often do you follow international news in the media?
    A. Never
    B. Often
    C. Every day

    Madero Middle School, USA (Chicago, IL)

    What We Would Like To Know
    If you could visit a Country where would you go?
    Out of all the places you have visited which is your favorite ?
    Have you gone to visit a Central American country?
    Have you ever tried foods from Mexico?
    Based on where you would like to travel, what language would you like to learn?

    Hi everyone! These questions are from our class: Debany, Diego ,Yovani, Maria, Marely, Samanta, Cristina, Belisario

    A question from Korean team : )

    What international issue are you most interested in?
    1) Artificial Intelligence
    2) war and peace
    3) fair trade
    4) climate change

    Yavuz Bahadıroğlu AİHL. Survey Questions. Selman GÖKARIK

    YaBa students want these questions to be in the survey :

    1. Have you ever been abroad ?
    2. Did you taste anything you'll never forget. İf yes whats its name?
    3. Do you know all the capitals of the countries in the project?
    4. Is this event effective to learn somethings about different cultures?
    5. If you have chance, which country would you like to see?

    USA - 3 International Questions

    City of Angels, California

    Anabela Quadrado, Agrupamento de Escolas de Vila Viçosa, Portugal

    1. Is there in your class students from another countries?
    a) No;
    b) Yes. What country?

    2. Do you have family living in onother country?
    a) No;
    b) Yes. What country?

    3. Have yo ever been in Portugal?

    Selman gökarık. Yavuz Bahadıroğlu AİHL. Turkiye.

    How International are you ?

    survey1 results