3rd primary school of Drama. GREECE

  • 1rst Grade: " The town I'd like to live in"

    Our first graders discussed with their teachers in the classroom what a sustainable and a non-sustainable town is like. A1 and their teacher made a poster of a sustainable town ("The town I'd like to live in") with bright colours, greenery,recycling bins and bicycles as the main means of transport.A2 and their teacher made a poster of a non-sustainable town("The ugly town") with dark colours,lack of greenery and a lot of cars and rubbish. Both classes came to the same conclusion: we all dream of living in a sustainable town with bicycles and skateboards,trees and flowers! All the children made crafts of bicycles with CD wheels and their own model of a sustainable town made with recyclable materials.

    2nd Grade:"Green detectives"

    Our second graders were involved in a "Green detectives" project: they got to know our town better by taking short walks to neighbourboods near the school, they compared the life of the past with the current lifestyle, they described their town in both written forms and drawings, they talked about sustainability with their teacher and read relevant books aloud. Finally, they depicted their visions on a model made with play dough and recyclable materials.

    English: 5th Grade project on Goal 11

    For the third part of our project, the 5th Grade pupils of our school have talked about sdg 11 in class and they have looked into ways to make our town sustainable and our life qualitative and eco-friendly.

    To begin with, they conducted a survey concerning the daily commute of their parents and their everyday route to school. After that, they discussed the findings of their survey in class and suggested alternative ways to move in town, always having Goal 11 in mind.

    Moreover, they watched videos on European Mobility Week, which has encouraged European citizens’ behavioral change in favor of active mobility, public transport and other clean, intelligent transport solutions for the past 20 years.

    The project was completed with a team work in class so as to make a poster of a sustainable town. The pupils used their creativity and depicted their vision of a town which can be safer, greener and accessible to all.

    3rd Grade:"Let's make our greenhouse!"


    While working  on the program for Sustainable Development – Sustainable Cities, the pupils of C1 of 3rd Primary School of Drama built a greenhouse in the school yard in which they planted vegetables. They also painted a poster on the subject, in which they clearly show their preference for the place where they want to live! Finally, they created a wall calendar with the same topic.

    ''The small seeds'' is a small ecological construction of a small wooden barrel where seeds from fruit trees (apple trees, lemon trees, tangerines, etc.) have been planted, which the children will take care of in the first months of their life and then they will be given away (or not). In this way,the pupils were involved with these seeds and gave them life.

    4rth Grade:" The neighborhood we would like to live in"

    D1-D3: While learning about <<Sustainable cities and communities>>and in collaboration with the Environmental Education Centre "Kordelio-Vertiskou",the pupils  in D1 and D3 dealt with the project <<The neighborhood we would like to live in>>.In the beginning, we started with a concept map. We made a wordcloud with the words that are heard most often. Then, the pupils were given a questionnaire to involve their senses, by writing on the board the words that come to mind when we hear the word "neighborhood", their thoughts and feelings and reflect on the reality they encounter daily in their neighborhood.Each child designed their own route. On a big paper,  we made collages with paintings (our school, the streets around the school, the houses, the  blocks of flats, the trees, the sidewalks) we took down feelings and thoughts about how to  make our neighborhood more beautiful.

    our neighborhood- D3 Greece.docx


    D1-D2-D3: Bikes all for a sustainable city

    Since our school participates in the European Erasmus project on the subject of "Sustainable Cities", the 3rd Primary School of Drama,organized a traffic education program based on traffic within the city by bicycle. In the 1st part of the program,  the teacher of Physical Education and former cycling athlete for many years, Mr. Christos Stavrianidis, visited our school and  shared  his knowledge and experience on the use and safe driving of the bicycle with the pupils. In the 2nd part, under the guidance of the teacher of Physical Education, Mr. Stratos Chatzipanagiotou, pupils were trained on the safe riding of the bicycle in the schoolyard, in accordance with the rules of the road traffic and the proper use of bicycle paths. Finally, Friday, February 11, was the 3rd and last part of the program,when the pupils of D3 with their motto "BICYCLES  FOR A SUSTAINABLE CITY" cycled- accompanied by teachers and a motorcyclist of the Drama Traffic Police- and used the few cycle paths of the city in order to visit the Town Hall . There, they met some members of the City Council, discussed with them and delivered a letter that they had prepared for the Mayor, asking for more kilometers of cycle paths in our city. The aim of the program was to teach pupils to ride  safely and properly  as well as to show them that riding a bicycle contributes to the sustainable development of the city they live in.